Our World today! What is going on?

Funny thing. I use to hunt. Deer. Pheasant. Duck. Elk. Turkey. I don’t anymore. Animals are just hear to survive. Man on the other hand…
I do that with deer sometimes, buckknife across the throat,but I’m not sure if I’m comfortable doing that with a person,but yes I like my dogs better then humans, but any other animal can get it, and be ate for dinner.
WTF she gets 4 yrs probation for attempted murder of an infant and it was the second time!!!
This is not child endangerment its attempted murder if the co worker hadn’t have walked in she would have probably claimed still born or even worse tried to throw it in a dumpster or something.

This is crazy she should definitely never have custody of those children and should be in prison serving atleast 7-14yrs.
I don’t understand how the judge and DA and prosecution allowed this plea deal.
That’s crazy I can’t believe that it was the second time. She said that she didn’t know she was pregnant both times?
Im not a woman but I imagine if you don’t get your period for 8-9 months you would figure it out.
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And the same crowd that lets her skate, and is now promoting abortion up,to the time of actual birth, is against guns… why? Supposedly to protect… children…
I’d beat this mother fucker. Not kill him. Put him in a coma. Wait till he came out of it and beat him again. Anyone ever touched my kids that’s the last thing they’d do. Just sayin. 😁
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I have to disagree with all of you. I think public execution should come back new school style. Immediately following a guilty verdict they would be brought outside and with a camera crew watching, be put down on their knees and shot in the head. Watch how fast these fucking scum quit their bullshit when they know that’s what’s going to happen to them. I don’t feel this way for just murderers either. Rapists, pedophiles, child abusers… the whole lot of them. Thieves, robbers and home invaders should be brought out in the same fashion, have their arm outstretched and tied to a stump then have their arm cut off from the elbow.