PCT/Keeping size questions

I know right im still waiting to feel right again im almost there I’ve been getting hard here and there so its definitely going to start working very well soon
I’m never going to do PCT again. I’m just on trt now. It’s fantastic, I can’t function as a human being on PCT. The depression, low energy, can’t sleep, I feel like shit.

I dont see why people put themselves through it unless they really want to stay on gear or are competing.
Some people can do pct and recover. Some people can’t I’m trt too been trt for over ten years so I understand I can’t function normally either my body won’t make test no matter what you pump it but those that can cycle and do pct. also get to flush there receptors you don’t remember how you felt why back when you would start a cycle and it would jack you up vs trt when you jump on cycle it don’t give you that jacked feeling as much I remember it