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@pHD Nationals -great showing

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Thanks bro. Sometimes it just falls that way. It was close. I talked to one of the head judges and she wants me to email her in couple weeks. My coach thinks the second place guy was given the nod due to placing second several times. First place guy deff deserved it. His side shots were nasty.

Regardless I’m happy with 3rd that’s up 4 spaces from last year. Technically since the other 2 guys went pro I’m actually the top light heavy guy in the nation 😂😂
Bingo… " dues were paid" now for sure yours are too, for gosh sake. Plus, many times the complete guy doesn’t win. Should be that way. …and I’m talking not to you but others. The short time I judged, or tried to, I scored out of the percentage. I always would compare the mandatorys and even downgrade guys for not having at least “delineating lines” many guys have 3 great madatories, in shape, then 5 poses that look way off. But at the end of the day, you looked 2 inches taller(pics)…great job though, I don’t know how you do it…i would of just won the masters and prepped for 212 at the ton of pro shows. Seems like there were a lot the last couple years. But, Bless you, it paid off. Just make next year the last time you see the 190s again for a few years!!! I agree 1st is one of those that pops when posing, 2nd has that compact upper body and smooth but might do well at the next.
Yea agreed bro. Coach said let’s try to stay light heavies but also said this is his first year working with me in the offseason and said I may just take off. He said if I respond that way he’s not going to put the brakes on. So guess we shall see were the body takes me. Scares me because those heavies are no joke.

But look at Casey that placed second in the heavies. At USAs he was a light heavy weight but 4 months later was a solid heavy and went pro. Just have to see. I know I need a lot more ham and back and quad sweep
Looking at pics currently from the show again and you were certainly dialed. Love the package you brought and I agree with John’s call to stay in LHW. You never know what can happen with a solid offseason behind Meadows though. He’s been at it long enough to know a thing or two 😉
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I went back and looked at those side shots. Yeah… They were pretty tight. He’s a shorter guy right? His legs and chest were pretty grainy. Wow. Still think you should have pulled 2nd at least. That dude has zero symmetry… I’m sorry. But I wouldn’t even put him in the top 5. Proportionally and symmetry hands down you got that guy smoked. But hey next time you should be number one! You made it in the top 3 from 7th. Outfuckingstanding! Let’s go!
Thanks bro. Yea he was shorter and I agree about second place and so did a lot of people in audience but oh well. Hunter labrada pulled me to the side after pre judging and said damn dude you made some huge noise up there he said ppl notice me
@PHD I know I’m late bro but congrats, TG kept me updated on how the comp was going. You made some phenomenal improvements. From the photos we saw, we both thought you had it. Keep grinding man.
Congratulations brotha @PHD very well deserved , your discipline just goes to show if you want something you go out there and get that, nobody else is gonna do it for you, congrats man!
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