SB Labs

Pinning EOD & sustaining

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I’m a couple weeks in my cycle and I’m already sick of pinning myself like a voodoo doll eod. Feel like I’ve ran out of areas to pin and I’m not giving my shoulders or glutes any rest from the last pin. Sometimes I’ll knot up and it just throws off my cycle and now I got a problem & I don’t wanna risk bruising, scar tissue or infection. I never have a problem with long esters it’s always these short ones that give me issues.

My delts got a little irritated so I’ve been letting them heal & my ass just got a few lumps so is there really any way to avoid pinning quads? I don’t know how some of you guys do it, definitely built different. Guess that’s my rant.
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Be careful to do a good rotation if you pin in the same place to quickly you can definitely run into problems so keep rotating those injection spots
I’ve been trying my best to keep it in rotation. Usually 4 weeks in and my body is just like ok man what are you doing and lumps up like crazy. Letting these delts heal up because that’s what I’ve been doing the past 2 weeks and did my glutes this week and they knotted a bit so I’m just kind of frustrated.

Even at my clinic they manage to knot me sometimes like this week, But you’re right, I will keep rotating and see what areas work best.
I avoid quads never done them. Depending how much volume oil your pinning if you can get away with an 29g slin pin that will make it a hell of a lot easier at least for me. I just rotate delts, glutes, ventroglutes which if your doing EOD would give you like 12 days between hitting the same spot.
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Definitely the smaller the pin the easier especially with a little heat sense its cold out will help it enter the blood faster.
Back-filling 27g 1" insulin needles works best for me, and I literally pin every day. Even the longer term esthers, I micro-dose every day to minimize E2 issues. I actually find quads the easiest of all to pin. Biceps are a bitch. Delts pretty good. Never done my glutes.
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You may have to hit the quads to spread it out. Not being a smarty but thats part of it.
I like pinning lats they can hold a fair amount 1-2cc, but are awkward to pin. You can try adding lats to your rotation or another site.
I pin with 25g or 26g side delts , chest , glutes , and just started doing my quads … main thing I do is take my time when pinning don’t just jab yourself if you feel anything pressure or twitches take it out and move over … look up how to pin each site specifically… there’s a post on here that shows how to pin the quad worked for me … you could also have the knots from the ester you may need to change that FYI I like to messages the area right after I pin for about 2 mins helps for me
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I’ve been looking into lats
Recently but the quads and glutes with delts for pwo seems to be alright for me will see when I pin daily in the future but I had no issues with mtren when that was daily
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