Planning for my second cycle want to get huge


molecular bio
Im coming up on the midpoint of my first cycle, and have learned a lot, some of which is thanks to you guys (pinning delts is way better than quads, thanks for the advice on that), but I want everything planned for the next cycle before I start my PCT.

I guess a little info on my goals and me, I’m trying to get up to about 250 (at about 205 rn) and while being lean is nice, I also just want to put on as much muscle as I can.

In terms of side effects i seem to be on the luckier side, with the only two I’ve really experienced is some hairline thinning and water retention, my e levels are elevated but not ridiculous even without using an ai.

With all this in mind, I was wondering what might be a good second cycle? This first one I got dialed in at 500 mg test, 300 npp, and for the first 4 weeks 100 50 mg dbol every day. I’ve put on a shit ton of size, but I’m pretty sure most of it is water retention and glycogen, so we’ll see how it shapes up.

Going off all this, what would be a good idea for round 2? I don’t really care about cutting at this point, I just want to get huge as fuck. I’ve thought about something with adrol, or maybe even going over to the dark side and trying out tren, but I want to hear from you guys before I decided.
Im honestly completely fine with that. I know gear isn’t a magic get big pill instantly pill, and that the quicker it is the less clean it’ll be, but Im fine with looking a little chubby if it means putting even an extra 5 or 10% muscle.
Dirt is right this is a process and it’s not going to happen overnight unfortunately lol I’m giving myself years to be where I want to be. If you are confident in your knowledge about Anabolics and you seem to not have bad estro sides I’d give tren a shot and see how that treats you. I’m sure you’ll see desirable results.
Thanks for the input man. Kind of worried about getting on tren just cause, from most of what Ive read, the shit can really fuck you up if you aren’t careful, and while I generally think I do a good job of harm prevention, neurotoxicity is a scarier word than hepatoxicity.
I mean its really hard to say what’s the best cycle for “you” to gain mass because everyone responds different. You may think about running npp or DECA, you should gain some solid mass and throw in a oral. I had good results with npp Dbol and test kept most of my gains on PCT.
I agree man we all help each other out, it’s good to be cautious. It can get complicated with so many compounds, numerous combinations and potential sides.
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I’m on number 4 in about 4 years and each time putting on scout 10-15lbs but after the first 3 what I kept of my own muscle mass is prob a little over 12-15lbs.
Be careful with tren bro. Not saying don’t do it just start light and observe yourself, especially if you have any mental issues
Eat a lot of food. I mean a lot. I mean like 5,000+ cals a lot. And do this for a few years. The gear you choose will help. Your diet will make you reach your goals. I put on 25lbs with test and EQ, over a year and half maybe, no orals. I was also eating what I should to gain.

Npp was good to me. I’ve never tried Deca, and tren just isn’t that fun in my opinion. But every single person responds differently.

What’s your diet look like?