Poppy’s New Log Rolling Up On Birthday

Fat bar bench press 2 x 3… add chains 2 x 3… strip chains 2 x 3… all reps paused for approximately 1.5 count.

Light ytws x bunch SS with heavy triceps x 10. 3 rounds

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Busy couple of days…

Today is blood donation then to audiologist to start process of hearing aids

Tomorrow is doc appointment to get results on labs.
Third person I’ve seen on message board that has gotten told it’s or started wear hearing aids t as today
I know a hearing aid company sent mailers out with bcbs affiliation plastered all over them. That got my wife’s attention.

I got an ear full from the local audiologist they set me up with yesterday. No pun intended…

Either way, im every bit of 5 years late in getting these.
Make sure you take that result to VA brother.

No doubt guns and explosions and half ton trucks and helicopters and …… contributed to hearing loss.
One of my best buddies was deaf in one ear for 20 years. Sapper. Lots of big booms.

VA hit him with 100% and 20 years back paid. He invested 200K. Crypto hit. He’s big time retired.