Poppy’s New Log Rolling Up On Birthday

Or this ones even better…

Belt squats shooting for 100 reps 10, 7, 30, 30

In between above is very heavy standing ab crunches 4 x 10

3-4 minutes rest between rounds

Neck ss with pull throughs amrap


Legs are wobbly
Had to take wife to doctors appointment. There from early to 1pm.

Napped/messed around afterwards

This is my eating for today. Pretty stuffed now.

Lat pull downs big V bar 10, 50, 30

Rows 30, 30

Shrugs 30, 30

Very light biceps x 12

Lots of lower/hip stretching in between sets

Off to yard work
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Dead bench elite cambered swiss bar pyramid up 7 x 3… strip excess weight and chains then amrap

Light YTW’s 1 x amrap

Triceps 1 x amrap

Progressively aggressive stretching for lower
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Lat pull downs small V bar 4 x 12

Rows 3 x 12

Shrugs 2 x bunch

Biceps left x bunch right x some

Stretching and body squats in between sets
Actually pretty good. My upper feels outstanding.

Lower is getting there. Strength is coming back but there’s definitely damage done. My left outer quad sweep is shrinking pretty fast. My right inner calf is gone.

My stride is very good with brace and getting better without it. I’ve been doing the pt recommended exercises and I’ve gotten some upper flexion back on my left foot including the big piggy…but the 4 smaller piggies are pretty much gone. The pretty much just hang. I can scrunch them but can’t lift them at all.
I’ve been reading up on older adult/athlete/meathead mobility and one of the big things was stretching and ONE stupid thing that I took for granted…. Getting down and up from the floor… with minimal help from any object.

My message to everyone is get down and up (floor/ground) pretty regularly. I promise you that this will serve you well as you age. I do it a couple of times every evening watching tv. It’s getting a bit easier now. I’m trying to reverse 3 years of avoiding it.
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Keep chipping away at the wheels. Progress is progress!

How many Iu’s are you using on average?
I was literally just looking up mobility programs. I want to be able to move and be big.