SB Labs


Pinned platinum cyp/mast e took cialis. Heading to gym in a bit.

Starting to rain. Supposed to be on and off all weekend.

Just checked baby girl out of school early. She’s done so good this year. We’re very proud of her. Next week is the end of grade testing. Then it’s summer time.

Belt squats close stance lighter weight x 20

Standing ab crunches heavy x 20

Whacks on heavy bag x 40

1st round half speed/light…3 rounds (fast) with about 60 seconds rest between each round

45 degree back raises 2 x 10

Calves 2 x bunch

Walk around yard for about 10 minutes with chatterbox.

Felt really good on all that. Wore knee sleeves and walking felt right.
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Pinned platinum gh


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Back lighter/medium weight

Lat pull downs wide V bar 4 x 12

Rows 2 x 12

1 arm rows 2 x 12

Stiff arm lat pull downs 1 x amrap

Shrugs 1 x amrap

Biceps left 1 x amrap right 1x some

Abs 1 x amrap
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Blood glucose after breakfast bout an hour Kinda high. Going to check it again in a bit.

That was 1/2 cup whole oats with a teaspoon of peanut butter plus chugged 1 cup whites.
Blast strap push-ups 10… added elite green band 10…. Striped band immediately 14 reps.

Incline flys 3 x 10

Face pulls … “Y’s”… triceps 3 rounds of 10-14

Heavy banded ab crunches in between sets.

Lazy today….again… workout attire is work slacks and shoes. At least took my shirt off.
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