SB Labs


Pinned plat gh

Todays grub

Speaking from my experience…YES. I’m not using super high doses. 2-3 iu daily.

It’s made my joints feel great. Have more “spunk” in my training…. More reps/sets… a bit more weight although I’m keeping my actual training poundages under control. My body weight is extremely manageable now. The bags under my eyes are the smallest they’ve been in decades.

For me platinum gh has been a big win.
Also… I believe it must help me with my sleep
Because my nap time is just relegated to laying down or reclining with my eyes closed for 10-20 minutes. No sleep just resting my eyes. Prior to gh… I had a switch on my butt and eyelids…when both were activated… out like a light.
At our age I won’t even try going without HGH. It keeps my arthritis management. It’s odd that people say HGH hurts their joints. It’s the exact opposite for me. It’s a night and day difference!

Strongest/best I’ve felt in months… all year

Belt squats close stance pyramid up 3 x 10

Heavy bag 40 whacks and heavy abs 20 reps 3 rounds zero rest.

Single leg rfe squats 2 x 12 and neck

45 degree hypers 2 x 10 edit.

Walk around yard for a bit with guard corgi and chatterbox
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Per my #1 son… I’m keeping a close eye on my blood glucose.

It’s a bit difficult for me because there’s never 2-3 hours in a day when I’m not eating.

I still check it and wait an hour and make sure it’s at least is dropping.

Going to check right now before breakfast. Standby
Just pinned platinum test cyp/mast e and took cialis. Going to hit gym in a bit.

Compounds are smooth as silk. I can’t say that for shaky jake with mauged up arthritic hands and fingers trying to push the plunger wiggling it all around. I might as well be trying to perform brain surgery!!!
Lat pull downs wide V bar heavy with different width grips 4 x 12

Rows SS with shrugs 3 x 12

1 arm rows 1 x bunch

Biceps Left med/heavy x bunch… Right light x some

Forearms x bunch. I do these a couple times a week i just never list them.
Pwo platinum Cialis…2 cherry twizzlers… couple whole grain crackers with homemade tuna salad with egg. 1/2 liter water

Post leftover pork chop green beans small amount of corn.