SB Labs


4x8-12 I may have put 4 plates on because a 20 yo did 5 reps. Kid could be monster powerlifter if he decided to really go for it. He’s around 210 and also reps 5 plate squats with ease. I told him to think about competing when he is finished wrestling.
I too have not benched with barbell or any of that variation in a very long time. I know it has its place, but my shoulders, and my range of motion to keep it touching my chest just isn’t there like it probably used to be.

I alternate between the Hammer Strength variations of chest and DB’s versus barbell bench.
My opinion shared by many more qualified than me… the bench press is only good for getting stronger at the bench press… very little carry over to anything else. Way better movements for hypertrophy and athleticism.
@Thunder here’s some screenshots from my app



Birthday cake bar is a pure protein bar. I usually eat peanut butter chocolate but the birthday cake is logged and they’re all about the same.
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Yeah, they’re pretty on point with their movement and range of motion super similar to DB’s.

The way it keeps going, Life Fitness will own everyone and there will be no Hammer Strength in the future. They kept that as one of their premium lines of equipment due to the mechanics behind their machines and the amount of following their equipment has, but I’ve seen the new Life Fitness machines coming out in gyms that look identical now that they own Hammer.
Their line of protein bars, shakes and other products really aren’t too bad for you and they actually taste fairly decent. Plus they’re inexpensive compared to other protein branded products out there.
I’ve never seen life fitness equipment. Is it quality like hammer strength?

The pure protein bars have just enough carbs to blend into my macros. Like you said they’re relatively inexpensive.
Life fitness is your basic stuff that they have in planet fitness and like. TBH hammer strength stuff has fallen behind other companies in the equipment business.
Yeah, Hammer Strength got behind when Life Fitness bought them and their old equipment that’s tried and true is still good stuff to me, which is what they have at the AFB here.

Techno Gym, Matrix and Prime are the other main brands that they have at the AFB and a few of the better gyms here.