Poppys Quarterly Blood Panel

Just a thought. Would @Poppy be better off with something mild like EQ? I’ve heard of many guys running EQ for extremely long periods of time so I assume it’s not taxing on the organs, at least not much.
That’s good to know. I’ve never tried primo but it’s on my list for my next cycle. I’ve heard so many great things about primo. I guess it’s definitely not the worst thing a guy can be restricted to!!
That’s great they just put me on a different beta blocker, cant remember the name will look when I get back hone
Agree with the Primo! I would rule out orals from here on out with the diabetes meds you’re on. Jardiance works wonders for its purpose, but does a number on kidneys.

Keep killing it @Poppy
Thank you sir.

@NeuroRN being the ongoing mentor had me look up my diabetic meds and there effect on my kidneys. Looks like no oral aas ever again for me. The diabetes meds are already taxing my renal system enough…anything else would not be a wise decision.

I’m pretty stoked.

Had a real good talk with doc about my meds. I will never be able to come off of them. He said i am a diabetic and my great levels are due to my diligence AND the meds.

So thats that. Harm reduction at its best.