SB Labs

Post cycle Training Log

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10 days from my last update. A few changes to mention. Morning weight up to 201.5 from 200. Added an additional high carb meal in the afternoon. As I said before I don’t count daily intake but if I were to guess, around 250g’s of carbs daily mostly from oatmeal, rice, and pasta (some fruit). Still eating lean though keeping fats low. I also added 150mgs of NPP a week due to pain in my joints. So weekly doses are 250mgs test (TRT) and the NPP (just started). Does anyone have experience running nandrolone year around for joint pain? I researched a lot on the topic and read many do without issue. Some will take a small break before a cycle but I don’t see the benefit in that since it stays in your system for awhile. Any feedback much appreciated.


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Uglyman101 said:
Some will take a small break before a cycle but I don’t see the benefit in that since it stays in your system for awhile.
Npp is a much shorter ester than deca. While it would show on a drug test longer if they were testing for gear, it’s effects are as long lasted.

If you’re having joint pain, I would suggest figuring out the source rather than using AAS to mask the pain.

People do what you are doing, and I’m sure someone will chime in, I am just personally against the use of such a strong hormone for pain management.

(I literally say this everytime someone says they are
Doing this. Or suggest they should. Don’t take it personally. I legit say it every time.)

You look fantastic! Keep up the good work man!
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NeuroRN said:
I legit say it every time
You do hahaha!


Treating the symptoms is an extremely short term thing. Probably best to drill down to the actual problem. Your body will thank you 20 years from now.

You look great
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