Proper Cutting & Depleting


How we doing everyone, hope all is well as we have this day of remembrance.

I have a bodybuilding show coming up Sept 25th, (14 days).

As of now I feel good and I can see physical changes in my physique through extensive training.

I’ve been utilizing the Juggernaut App which was developed by Chad Wesley Smith.

So the show will be in Florida where I’m from 🙂 and it will also be a national qualifier. The last show I did was in back in April, it was also a NQ and out of 3 middle weights I placed 3rd. I was better than them in every pose but I wasn’t quite dry enough.

Trying to perfect that for this show…

Diet is as followed:

Meal 1. 2 Cups Oatmeal (BLAND) 3 Whole Eggs, Almond Milk

Meal 2. Whey, Psyllium Husk, BCAAS, Fish Oil, B12,

Meal 3. Tuna, Avocado, Almond Milk 2 Slice Ezekial Bread

Meal 4. 2 Cups Oatmeal (BLAND) Whey Protein, Psyllium Husk

Meal 5. Chicken, Chopped Onions, Bell Peppers,

Meal 6. Whey Protein, Psyllium Husk, BCAAS

Gallon Water per day.

This is the basis of the meals during “cut mode”/ little carbs as possible. Meal 5 is really the only thing that changes as it may be chicken, turkey, salmon, or deer meat.

Supplements as followed:

** Whey Protein 24G’s per scoop (2 scoops per shake)

** Psyllium Husk


** Fish Oil

** B12

** Old School Vintage Thermogenic

** Tren Ace 100MG 1/2 CC (every 3 days, WK 1-8)

** Anavar 25MG (Wk 4-8)

** Clomid 25 MG (PCT)

Also as of now I’m doing 2 a days lifting in the morning then in the afternoon, I do the treadmill, stair master, and bike for a total of an hour.

Huge fan of Trenobolone Acetate, and Tren Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate as I’ve finally found the proper dosage in order to see little to no sides. Only thing I may deal with from time to time is the aggression but I can suppress that.

Haven’t dealt with Tren-Dick if I stay at 8 weeks. My blood pressure is a little high though as I get a tad bit light headed if I get up too fast. I can also feel the pressure in my head when tying shoes.

As of now Im doing about 3 cycles a year lasting about 8-12 weeks a piece, and I try to give myself time to get back to normal levels in between them.


Height 66’

Weight 80.2858 kg

As of August 28th 2021

** Bench Press: 405lbs

** Squat: 505lbs

** Dead-Lift: 505lbs (Raw No Straps)

During the dead-lift movement I grabbed it tight as possible, slow smooth pull upwards with heels in the ground while keeping butt low. Was about to lock out and left hand grippage gave out…

I let out the biggest fuuuuuuccccckkkkk of my life. Then felt bad as a kid was working out with his mom staring at us. lol!!!

Attempted again after 3 minute wait time. This time I got it and was about to lock out and couldn’t hold the weight past knees as I was shaking like I had hypothermia.

Third attempt I couldn’t even pull the weight up at that point as I was drained….

This was clean with nothing in my system as I had stuck to the Juggernaut training app for a good 5 months before maxing out. I was also prepping for a powerlifting meet but felt I needed to get my numbers up before signing up for a meet.

As fas as the Juggernaut training app, I was really impressed with the strength that I built and can’t wait to be on the program for a year.

I like to follow lifters like Chad Wesley Smith, Josh Bryant, Stan Efferding. These guys are all associated with powerlifting, I absolutely love bodybuilding and I compete but I don’t want to have this pretty boy bodybuilder look.

I want to have a raw, bad ass powerlifting look like Jhonny Jackson, Branch Warren, Ronnie Coleman, Stan Efferding. Of course they’re big, but they have a certain look to them that let’s you know they took this sport serious.

Thats what I want, and as Josh Bryant says, if you’re at the fuel station at 10:00 pm getting fuel and some punk runs up on you with 3 dudes, you need to be able to defend yourself and toss those pussies.

So here is what I look like. I’d like to get legs a bit dryer in the next 2 weeks.









Hammies aint good enough as of yet. 2 weeks left, and I need more separation in legs and need to deplete more water in body overall.

So next week I deplete water and I’ll go from 1 gallon to about half a gallon of water. I’ll also be dropping sodium completely as this was my week of really ramping up the sodium.

From my understanding this will help me further push the remaining water out of me which will also give me the thin skin look. Anyone have anecdotal experience from this???

I got this from Jim Stoppani PhD.

I’ll keep you all updated on the outcome. Also I don’t know how I feel about Old School Labs Vintage Thermogenic. I don’t know if it’s helping me achieve a level of definition that I want.

This will be my 6th show, and at this point I will only do National Qualifying shows. I appreciate your feedback and again I hope everyone is well on this day of remembrance.

Semper Kill
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Thank you everyone, I just my hope the hammies and glutes are dry enough with separation and deepness.

Can’t wait to eat grapes…

I also really miss orange juice. I’ve become a huge fan of Ezekiel bread and psyllium husk as of late.

As far as posing, I hold each pose for 30 seconds each X 3.

Front Double
Latt Spread

Qtr Turn…

Side Chest

Qtr Turn…

Rear Double Bicep
Read Latt Spread

Qtr Turn…

Most Muscular & Thigh

By the time I’m done I’m drenched in sweat.

I’ll also be doing my routine to Sade, Kiss Of Life.

Just an artist I grew up listening to as dad had a huge crush on her.

Last night loafing up on sodium. 💪

As I continue in the depletion process I can feel that the muscles are getting a bit heavier.
Nice brother looking great! How’s your diet like before prep. Depleting water a week or 2 should be good try some niacin with flush as well. Are you running tren a without test? Looking great!!!
Before depleting my diet is very clean with a lot of

Gamey Meat (My Fav)
Honey Peanut Butter
Whole Wheat Bread
Jasmine Rice
Orange Juice

So I already eat clean, therefore cutting of carbs is never really hard to me.

The hard part for me is posing and taking supplements and doing the stairmaster, bike and treadmill every day for an hour as I’m doing 2 a days and still feel it’s not good enough.

I know this is also a mental thing one has to overcome.

I am currently on an 8 week cycle of Tren 100 MG and I’m at 1/2 CC every 3 days. I love Tren because it leaves no water and no gyno and most importantly works quick.

That with the Anavar 25 mg X 2 per day.

But I’ve done multiple cycles and this dosage is the best for me as I have

** No oily skin.

** No zits

** No Tren Dick (If I keep it @ 8 Wks)

** No Cough

** No Metaphorical 4th grader sitting on my chest when I sleep at night

** No Night Sweats

I do somewhat have aggression but I can control it.

I also have a harder time breathing when I’m doing treadmill, stair master and bike.

It’s like I gotta breath as hard as I can through my nose and I’m barely getting anything.
October 10th,

So all weekend I could feel mucus in the back of my throat. Now I feel a sore throat coming on.

Not trying to be a hypochondriac but this better not be Covid man. I’ve already paid for the show and all.

Just gonna get meds and an at home test today.

Fingers are crossed!!!

Y’all be safe as well, I’ve already had Pfizer twice via VA medical but it’s in the back of my head.