SB Labs

Proper disposal of syringes

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IFBB Pro -Coach - sponsored athlete
Staff member
Hahaha now this is a steroid friendly gym lol. They have a syringe disposal unit right by the sink. Thanks guys lol

It is crazy to see. Guess I don’t think of diabetics lol here I’m thinking who’s juicing at work or the gym lol

Shit you not this was in parking lot at my home gym. And there is only one really big guy there a pro and I sent him the pic and he laughed and said fucking kids.
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I found an alcohol pad wrapper and a syringe wrapper in a locker at my gym. I couldn’t imagine pinning my gear at the gym. I also don’t think it’s necessary, it doesn’t kick in fast enough for all that. I like my rituals in the comfort of my own home. I also know that no one at home will call the cops, but if the wrong hater walks into the locker room at the gym you might get fucked.
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