SB Labs

Proviron peeing a lot

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Started using proviron 50mg ed on top of cycle and as soon as I did I’ve been having the urge to pee every 5 minutes and it’s really annoying. Could it be my body drying out and it’s way of getting rid of water or something like prostate enlargement, anyone ever had this happen?
Feel like this always happens when I add proviron. I thought dht was good for the prostate. I didn’t have any issues and now I feel like I have to get my PSA levels checked but should I just drop it?
I would get psa level tested. But you’re going to need to be on proviron to know if it’s elevating it. I believe DHT can play a role in BPH, but I’m not totally certain of this.
I’ll go ahead and do that, i really just wanna drop it so idk if I can wait. That urge to pee and feeling like you still have pee in your bladder is bothering the hell out of me…
Nope I’m fine with masteron & other compounds. I’m just running tren & test right now and I’ve been feeling good no issues, I don’t know what’s the issue with the proviron, I always have to dose some cialis to make the urges go away & if I don’t they come back until I get off the compound.
I also take saw palmetto and zinc for the prostate, I’ve had to up it quite a bit just after the proviron. Sucks. I hate that urge to pee so much and sometimes it just feels like the bladder isn’t empty
What color is your pee? Are you well hydrated? Just a shot in the dark but I have a friend that if he takes anything oral his pee gets a brown tint to it and he has similar issues. He said that when he takes milk thistle when taking orals it goes away.
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It’s been pretty normal yellow, not that darkish color that everyone reports with tren, always hydrated. Feel like it’s the same like his with only orals causing the prostate issues, and now that I’m frequently peeing it’s gonna get clearer.

Oh yeah I would use the saw palmetto & milk thistle and still that urge in that bladder would bother me, and when I add cialis that’s when it calms down quick. I’m just thinking about dropping it because the urge isn’t worth it, going to the bathroom to pee every 5 minutes sucks man.
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I don’t wanna stop it, test & tren is cool but when I add prov or mast it makes it amazing and the hardening is there. Seems like my lower abs pop way more. I don’t wanna up my tren past 400mg, it’s awesome for a recomp but adding prov really helps with my cut. Sucks
Check your kidneys. I’m a firm believer that tren is hard on your kidneys. This could be the issue and what’s getting a lot of guys these days.
All right buddy. I’m reading a book that @NeuroRN recommended and I’m dangerous…hahaha.

DHT can increase PSA at the beginning of test therapy but it’s a temporary condition.

Have you ever had your psa checked in your labs?

Maybe starting the proviron has done this. Wouldn’t hurt to get it checked now. At least get a baseline.
I typically get this with ALL orals I take, whether is anadrol, winny, dbol, Turinibol… I’m using Proviron for the first time ever, I love it and I haven’t had to touch my viagra in over a month, but some mornings it’s impossible to piss. My next appointment with doc is in March, I’ll still be running proviron then so I’ll see what PSA says
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