SB Labs

Proviron peeing a lot

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Have your prostate Checked. I can’t use Proviron it elevates my BP to dangerous levels. NeuroRn is giving you great advise.
Proviron elevated your blood pressure?

I believe that you might not have been taking proviron possibly another compound.
Do you have any pre existing conditions because that can always make sense but this caught my eye because I love proviron and I don’t ever want not to be able to use it due to high BP I have pre existing so I already have alot of compounds I can’t run.

What was your dose?
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I pre a lot regularly even before gear I’m a piss machine but I also constantly chug water. Not as much as used to cure I can’t take it on floor with me for contamination risk
Thanks guys, I scheduled an appointment with my urologist, when this first began about a year ago I told him the same thing and he just gave me cialis, it worked but I need the actual issue…definitely gonna try to find the issue.

I stopped the proviron and the peeing has subsided a bit already. Guess certain dht compounds just don’t go right with me. I get more sides with them than tren so that’s just weird. Thanks fellas for the advice I really appreciate it
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Thanks poppy, I have but that was a while back so not recently but I will be getting them checked with this appointment Definitely the proviron triggered it, I guess it just aggravates my prostate to a bad point. I’ve stopped it and feel better but I’m gonna go ahead and get some labs.
Very lucky man, this just puts me off all orals for now…I really like proviron too because my lower midsection tends to shrink a bit quicker while dosing it on my cycle…guess I’ll just up the tren huh. Jokes lol.
Haha that’s what I do too man, I’ll even up the test but sometimes with me higher test doesn’t just do it for me like that idk why. A little more bloat even with AI. But hell yeah exactly you got the right idea.
I’ve been thinking about that, the liver toxicity in some compounds get worse or is it pretty much the same? I’ve done some injectable anadrol and I felt the same as if I took it orally
I think I just like pinning honestly but also they could be safer for liver
That pain threshold is up there for you lol. I love pinning but if I get some shit that’s crippling pip then damn it sucks. But a slight pip is nice, not too crippling and not too soft.
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