SB Labs

Proviron peeing a lot

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all my orals are pharma grade. So, much bunk our there especially when it comes to orals. Yes Sir, Proviron will elevate blood pressure. Especially those that suffer from hypertension. My blood pressure goes through the roof. I loved it when I was using. Made me horny as hell. felt tighter, but could not stay on it cause of my BP. I say this often, that the most important understanding of usage is find what works for you. Some people don’t suffer from hypertension others do. Some people do great on Tren other don’t. Some definitely can’t use prop or suspension - no ester or fast acting ester gives them one hell of a side: Inflammation. I know a pro that just could not take any of the faster acting esters. Once you know what works for you the rest becomes a lot easier.

I am glad Provrion does not elevate your BP. I can only wish!
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