Pushtoday, New to UG


Good Evening,
My name is Pushtoday and I’m new to UG.
Been lifting most of my adult life but only really taking it seriously for the last few years.
My current stats are:
Mid 40s
Height 5’5"
Weight 170-175
Training is 4-5 times a week, or as much as life allows.
I’m on the blast and cruise plan. 😏

I signed up a couple days ago and have just been lurking around checking the forum out.
I’ve already noticed some familiar brothers and quality sponsors.
I am also a rep for PSL, so you’ll find me in their sub-forum most often.
Out on the open board I’m just another brother who has grown to love the lifestyle we live.
I’m always looking to learn and I don’t profess to be an expert, just a guy who has some experience that likes hanging out with like minded people.

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.
I’ve been trying to get ugmuscle on tapatalk to let me in, but it says user doesn’t exist when i’m pretty sure I do. Anyhow unless I can get that to accept me, you’ll probably only see me around in the evenings. I really do appreciate everyone stopping by to welcome me.

@Fitraver my brother, thanks for the kind words. When I saw you were a member I knew I was in a good place.

I have to thank @Vision for recommending I join UG. He told me this was a board with experienced, no nonsense brothers and without all the bullshit that some other boards tend to have.
I’m glad to see you over here my brother… as you know how my schedule can be pretty hectic dealing with Logistics, I think this community is a perfect fit for you my dude…

And the note to the community: Push is my second hand man, he is literally in the know with everything and he helps me out tremendously… he’s a solid brother of the grind and very humble, and he’s ripped like a Ninja Turtle!

@Pushtoday you will love this place, even if you just lurk, these guys don’t waste time and are down with the cause hard cord!