Question about Test amount for bulk


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I was just wondering what everyone thinks is a good test amount for a bulking cycle? And how high you can get before you need to incorporate a aromatase inhibitor or estrogen superior? Thoughts?
Me. My best was 800mg. Plus a huge increase in protein and diet. I only needed min use of Adex. Like .25mg twice a week. And that wasn’t the whole cycle. I only took it when my nips started to get sore and felt like BBs were in them. Usually a couple weeks of my AI and it was gone. But that’s me. You really have to gauge your own body. And know what works for you. I got buddies that swear 2 grams of test is the only way to bulk. Me, I’ve done a gram and that was too much for me. Now. I have done more than a gram but multiple compounds. That’s a bit different. But to answer your question on test? Everyone has different reactions to compounds.
I like 500-600mg of test before I need an ai but everyone is different it’s not the gear that does the magic it’s the food , the gear is just a tool in the box my friend.
Got to double the test. If I use deca. I need twice the test. If not, I’m not going to be happy. Or erect. 😂. I crashed on Deca once so hard even 100mg of Viagra did nothing. Was a sad day.
Hell yea, thanks for insight so far. I do know diet is #1 above anything but hormones are huge too from what I have Lready done I might just up it to 750 to 1000 a wk. For a while and see how that works. Really appreciate it guys!
I don’t get side effects until I go order 600mg. Over 600mg I get some gyno and bloat. The dose to me is dependent on what else you’re taking. I’m only on 250mg test now but I’m also on 200mg tren enan and 200mg masteron enan. If I was on a test only cycle I’d do around 500mg.
Two thingS you need to do. 1. 6 weeks in. Get blood work. Estriol count. That will tell you if you need anything. 2. After a few cycles you’ll know your body and what to look for. But still check. Crashing Estrogen is just as fucked up as too much. It’s a precarious balance. Got to get work done to see where your at. For me. I need little AI. But I am a blast cruise guy. But I know my body and when I need to address it.
Adex is pretty harsh brother you can crash your estrogen pretty easily with it , if I need an ai which is rarely I take 12.5mg of aromisan on shot days