Question from newbie

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I’m a newbie to AAS and I was wondering if running Tren A,Test P,Halo, Mast P, and Primo A (capsule) would be great to put on lean mass.
I’m already set on a low body fat in fact I’m at 10%
I have a good diet and I workout 6 days a week.
Also how much tren A should I be taking with Test P cause I know you can’t more test when taking tren.
That would be a very dangerous stack even for more more advanced users! There’s tons of great info here on first/beginner cycles! Use your magnifying glass and read through some of the beginner cycle posts! We’re glad to have you aboard and will any way we can! Welcome aboard!
Have you done any research buddy, I know your new and all but who told you to use tren this soon or halo, and for probably shouldn’t run both
I always thought halo was only for
Pros because it can be so dangerous? I wanted to try some but OP was like naw!!! That ain’t for you Rusty and then he explained it but I forgot the details.
Well I am only going from what I’ve been told never had any experience with it. Your on your way to competition anyways. I am far from it.

I jumped on the scale this morning and I am down to 239. That is a six pound loss. I’ve been off the gear two and half weeks now. Was Tren. I hope I ain’t loosing muscle. @John @NeuroRN @Dirtnasty your thoughts. Could it be water? Does water hold on that long after a cycle
I mean it’s not uncommon to lose muscle especially if it’s really new gains and y Lou have said you haven’t been hitting the weights as hard recently
I was afraid of that. Fuck injuries. I am getting depressed not being able to go to the gym and lift heavy weights. It has become like therapy for me at times.
I mainly use it as pwo, but why would you have to be a pro to damage your body
Ya don’t. Just ain’t worth it at least in my brain. Ain’t worth it if your job don’t depend on it. Some stuff is mild and whatever. Just heard Halo is extremely aggressive and dangerous was told to stay away from it.
Pump the brakes boss how many cycles you done. Sometimes less is more that’s a lot of stuff at once. Have you ever done them individually to see how they treat you ? I guarantee we can put something together that would wor just as good if not better with less stuff and cheaper on $$ too
I think this is overkill for you, and will lead to poor health outcomes. You are new to AAS. You will see solid lean gains from test only. Throw in some proviron if you’re feeling crazy. But first cycle… I would say you should run nothing that you mentioned besides test.

It’s your body. You’re gonna do what you want. I definitely would not run tren and halo together. I also think primo ace caps are not going to do much for you and you will spend about the same in the long run as you would on primo inj.
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