What’s up brothers ! So i recently was only able
to get my hands on liquid caber unfortunately and it’s dosed at 60ml @ 1mg/ml. I know with tablets it’s .25mg. My thoughts were simply break it down and start with .25=15ml or is that way to much ?
EDIT: .25 is .25 I don’t know why I thought 1ml had 60mg in it this is why you always ask and Measure twice cut once :man_facepalming:t2:
to get my hands on liquid caber unfortunately and it’s dosed at 60ml @ 1mg/ml. I know with tablets it’s .25mg. My thoughts were simply break it down and start with .25=15ml or is that way to much ?
EDIT: .25 is .25 I don’t know why I thought 1ml had 60mg in it this is why you always ask and Measure twice cut once :man_facepalming:t2:

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