Review titan training


Well-known member
@Welder21 @HershBos

I just wanted to jump in here and give a little review of my experience with @PHD so far.

I contacted him just over 2 months ago and after going through the process he mentioned above, we further discussed the training programs, the nutrition and the cycles I was running. After viewing my starting pics he almost immediately had a plan for me. We left my training program as it was. I use John Meadows programs and he agreed that was a good fit for me and my goals and to keep at it. He made some very minor adjustments to my cycle as well. The big factor and my own downfalls were my nutrition. He did a complete overhaul of my nutrition and within just a few days I was starting my training with him. I have done weekly written updates and picture updates and each week he has made adjustments to my nutrition based on those. The changes have been nothing short of awesome, especially in such a short time. Granted, I’m ridiculously OCD about my nutrition and training so dedication and attention to detail is a must to get the results.

I want to add that PHD is one of the more experienced and knowledgeable people I’ve ever worked with. He doesnt just dictate the plan and actually talks with you and cares about your concerns and input. If there’s something you are having trouble with, he will work with you to find a solution and he will alter the plan accordingly. Being a trainer myself, he has taught me so much more than I could have ever learned through my courses and classes alone.
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Thanks bro. You have put in all the work and it shows. Proud of you.
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I would like to separate your review into its own thread. That way people looking at titan training can see s review in the category.
Are you ok with me making it a new thread?

Also looking good brother
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Yeah that’s fine man. I’m still not overly comfortable leaving pictures out for too long though. I post them but usually delete them a few days later.
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Vascularity is fucking unbelievable. 60 days huh? Maybe my old ass should look into @PHD… there is a beer and pizza plan I hope! All jokes aside, great job brother. Every impressive. @PHD, you’re no joke brother everyone I’ve seen or read about your training is outfuckingstanding.
Bro no lie first week you could see visible changes. I’d love to help you just let me know. I can work pizza into your cheat meal if you busy ass lol. I have a low fat pizza recipe lol
Thanks bro. Definitely a team effort here and we’re getting shit done fast! I thought I really knew my shit then PHD showed me some stuff i really had never tried and it is paying off big.
I was always a do it by myself bber. I thought that was more fun. After 34 years of actual training, I can see more and more the benefits of being able to focus on the training, the actual performance, and not thinking too much. Especially these days…i did a u tube meadows chest and now I have 7 chest must dos, LoL. The hardest thing is to work on weak points. And, top it all off you get one of the best bbers at the National level whos worked and known other top bbers. In the physique game, it’s not the shitty player coaches. Very seldom. The shitty bbers judge🤧 jk maybe😥