First I’ll touch base on the Guaiacol. That shit sucks ass. I hate the way it smells first off but secondly the few times I have tried to use it, it near crippled me for days. I mean fever, sweats, flushing of my skin, clammy feeling in my hands and PIP so bad that the limb was basically useless for 3 or 4 days. I’ll never use it again. Ever.
As for the Mig… I have to disagree with BM on this. As we’ve discussed and debated in the past, there are some chemical alterations made between EO, MIG 840, MIG 812 and MCT oils that make them different chemicals but they are all made from multi chained triglycerides. This does not make them the same. Also you will find that Mig 840 is different enough from Mig 812 with the same or very similar price range that most labs wouldn’t intentionally choose the 812 over the 840 as the 840 makes for a much better carrier oil than the 812.
To quote a pretty knowledgeable guy…
“MCT vs Miglyol 840
There seems to be some real concern about the use of Mig 840 out there so I thought I would clear some of that up for people.
First, both MCT and Miglyol 840 are both medium chain triglycerides.
MCT is obviously more well known and people have more experience with it along with actually standing for medium chain triglycerides.
It is comprised of the following fatty acids
C6, C8, C10 and C12
Miglyol 840 is comprised of the C8 and C10 fatty acid chains only.”
You can also read some more info here…
But it’s been my experience and research that it is very possible that you may have a slight allergy and or sensitivity to Mig oil. It’s not very common, but it has happened with some people. The only way to really know would be to inject individual, filtered, sterile, carrier oils on their own and see if you have a reaction.