SB Labs

Road To A “Pro Card” And The IFBB

I know a couple pros from around here, women’s physique, figure and a men’s classic bb… and a handfull who were all NQ NPC competitors who just never made it to the next level… some who use ALOT and some who use very little, and I will say this for all of them, they all looked AMAZING before they started gear (naturally gifted) except one (figure girl) but her twin brother and older brother were both NPC NQ’d heavy weights, so I would imagine her genetics played a roll too, and no matter the amount of shit they’re pumping into their body, they still put in the work! Gear only helps you break down barriers… I didn’t pull almost 700 lbs because of test and nandrolone etc etc, or squat almost triple body weight raw… it got me through the doors of my sticking points, but I still had to bust my ass to hit those numbers… and compared to some other 220 and 242 lifters I had little numbers
Yep it’s actually nice when somebody at the gym ask me what I’m doing then follows up wi to well your def putting in the work with that shit as well. Take all you want but if you don’t push yourself what’s the point of health risk I say
You’d be surprised man. Most pros are on grams a week. I know one personally that would run 1500mg of tren a week. That’s why very few don’t live past 50.
Well said brother
The only thing more important than training hard and a clean diet is the will to do it. It takes a level of commitment most people will never know