Very good write up brother. Over the years I have seen pros or aspiring pros come and go. … and close friends with a few. Unfortunately most (99%) simply are not able to sustain the lifestyle… which include GENETICS, mental dedication, lots of drugs, and avoiding injuries. I emphasize genetics because way to often I see young guys and gals who just don’t have the genetic composition to be successful, yet sadly think they can overcompensate with TONS of drugs and ridiculous eating habits / over training.
One of the wise old timers told me a long time ago you can only take you body as far as god will allow… those who try otherwise will end up dead. And I can rattle of 10 guys I’ve know over the years who are no long on this side of the ground because they didn’t accept that advice.
Low and slow (dosages / patience) at this lifestyle men… and high quality food is the most anabolic thing you can put in your body… will change your body 10x faster then any drug … whether you want to bulk or lean out!