SB Labs

Rusty’s new journey

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So @PHD have me permission to share some of the exercises they have me doing that are very new to me. Barbell pullover press,triceps, cage press, shoulders and triceps, destroyer sets, shoulders, and banded pullovers killer for lats. Meadows rows also killer for lats. Many of you may have utilized these. But I have not. They are forcing me to use my muscles in ways I haven’t done in the past so it really shocks my muscle. Love this stuff. I feel like I am going to grow faster then ever before.
I would also like to add that PHD and His girl Tailor my workouts around areas that I am prone to injury also.
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NOT a cookie cutter routine…sign of a good coach.

Anyone can copy and paste crap off the internet…and claim to be a “coach”.
I still use his methods and I use one of Johns top trainers for my workouts. The first part of the week I use a meadows program the second part I use custom workouts my trainer puts together for me to bring up weak areas.
Today was leg day. Whew!!! Legs felt like rubber once again. Then I got some unexpected cardio in. We were short players today at 3rd and 4th grade soccer so me and the other coach had to play in the scrimmage with them at the end of practice. Hahaha. That was exhausting lmao
Hurt my damn shoulder last week doing bench. Wasn’t even a lot of weight. Was repping 245 for 8 and on number five I tried exploding up and felt and heard a crunch. First two days couldn’t lift arm straight up. But been following advice of @PHD girl and it’s already getting better. Still won’t be able to lift a lot with if for a while I’m thinking but it’s functional at least. Soooo. Been working legs real good. Starting to get veins in quads now!!!



Edit. And my calf veins are getting big also.

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Hell yea bro. Glad that shoulder is getting better.
decades ago I tweaked my left shoulder so bad I couldn’t roll my truck window down. I couldn’t flat bench for a year oddly enough inclines didn’t bother it so I ended up getting very strong at those…315 for sets/reps.
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