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Rusty’s new journey

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My doc put it this way…a twinge is like a gauge in your car showing running out of parameters… a pain is the idiot light on the dash telling you to pull over and stop before you have a catastrophic break down/failure.
:clap:t2::raised_hands:t3::clap:t2::raised_hands:t3::clap:t2::raised_hands:t3: So what’s the point in masking?! There is none.
NeuroRN said:
300mg a week of nandrolone is not a “very little therapeutic dose”
I’m a walking contradiction to that statement! I hear your point about Deca/NPP, but I think there is a happy medium where one is not lubing the joints so much that you can’t feel “tweaks” and pushing yourself to lift way beyond what you should, but you are just a tad more comfortable with a strenuous workout that you would be without it. For me, 350mg of NPP a week really helps me at my advanced age, but believe me when I tell you, I still feel shoulder/knee/hip/back tweaks, and my rule is “if tweak, then stop.” Don’t care if it only hurts a little, “if tweak, then stop.” I did it with squats yesterday: at the end of a tough rep, I lost concentration and pushed the weight into my knees. (Dumbass mofo.). Tweak, stop.

Of course, many of us, me included, can only tolerate a Nor19 for so long before negative consequences below the belt ensue, so I’m limited in my NPP use by my sexual ego.
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350mg a week :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: for those following along who are not remembers, or just tuning in… @herrubermensch and I have an ongoing back and forth about his “therapeutic doses of trt” 😂😂

A therapeutic dose of nandrolone is 100-200mg a week.
A therapeutic dose of tren is 50mg a week.

Anything more than that is supratherapeutic doses, which is why most people have unwanted side effects.

To your actual point…
I think what you’re saying making sense. I also think it’s still a dangerous road to walk. To put it in @Aude_Aliquid_Dignu words “80% everyday is better than 0%” (maybe I shouldn’t put that in quotes bc it’s a paraphrase but… shut up. I did it.)

Your body is a wreck, but you’re also more in tune with your body than most lifters. And as such YOU as a unique male humanoid can reign it back when needed… others are already doing this train hard on gear and get lazy when off etc. then they add nandrolone bc instead of working at their maximum effective effort year round they push harder for certain times, are in a caloric deficit and training like they have all the fuel and hydration in the world and POP goes a joint… bc they couldn’t hear their own body. This is the reality for most people. Which is why I stand firmly in the no nandrolone “for joint pain”

Progesterone steroids are harsh. They have harsh side for a reason. So in my own VERY conservative opinion… leave them off the table for joint pain.
NeuroRN said:
Your body is a wreck
This made me LOL, largely because it is so true! I’ve just never had anyone actually say it to me! That said, my hip is apparently fine, and my shoulders are holding up nicely, my only current issue is lower back pain that runs down my legs (probably sciatica). We’ll see what the MRI says and whether a good yoga stretching routine can alleviate it. I’d prefer not to live on low doses of Kratom.

I recognize that what’s right for me–what I’m good at handling–is not necessarily what’s best for someone else. I just allow for the possibility of exceptions from what is admittedly a good rule, viz., not to use nandrolone for joint pain. I consider myself an exception.
If it’s beginning of sciatica maybe look into getting dry needled- hell you would probably benefit from it regardless. I started having nerve pain down my legs and dry needling my hips, and lower back along with lots of hip mobility work with a PT made a world of difference.
I have a good friend who specializes in that, and he is regularly telling me he can look at me and tell that I would benefit from it. And I have started doing some hip mobility stuff, but wow, it makes me feel like such a pussy because I hurt like a mother fucker when I do it.
No. That’s my cycle I am on currently. I added about 75 mg of deca for lubricant of joints as a temporary measure. Not to increase activity or weight but for the relief. So I stopped the deca. NPP I am half through right now for my cycle. Staying on that but she switched up my workout routine so I am not doing anything taxing on the rotator. Just some light band work for that.
Hahahaha. I’m starting to get confused myself rereading everything. At the end of the day I have a great coach and nutritionist and I started something on my own using my own thoughts and when I told them they said to stop so I did.
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