Second cycle opinions for a newbie

Whoa. That’s a lot of info. Would love to see an introduction from ya bud. Thanks for joining in, but tell us a bit about yourself.
munn1983 said:
You have an injured shoulder. Deca Durabolin does make injured joints feel like a million bucks
I would never advocate for using a compound to mask symptoms of an injury. This is dangerous and poor harm reduction practice. If he has an injury, I encourage him to go to the doc.
munn1983 said:
But this was high dose. Proviron Test Deca is good second cycle.
Ehhhh personally I wouldn’t recommend a second cycle with a 19 nor as the shut down is incredible harsh and you are now combating p2 as well as e2. I’d say stick to compounds that allow you to learn your e2 management effectively.
munn1983 said:
Don’t forget N2 complete cycle support is totally good to go whilst cycling.
The only other place I’ve seen this hyped was a different forum where it’s literally in every thread. I have a hard time believing complete cycle support is possible with one supplement.
Welcome to ugmuscle please post an introduction and this is something to get you started
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This is our welcome to all our new members. Whatever your goals are were here to support and help you achieve them don’t be worried by the bodybuilder lifestyle part of our forum we are a complete platform welcoming bodybuilding lifestyle, diet, and training. So were all here for the same reason even im not a bodybuilder I consider myself a gym rat because I don’t have the discipline to get as lean as these pro bbers do so I just like to workout and stay in shape just like everyone else. Im Ban…
NeuroRN You are mark on with masking injury with anabolics is bad juju and it should be evaluated and if injured and holds potential for repair masking symptoms may have adverse consequences —- thanks for the correction. I should say chronic types of discomfort not associated with acute injury and Deca does wonders with discomfort in these types of joints. Injury should be evaluated and not masked. But I’m approaching 60. I Use Nandrolone responsibly and gain a world of comfort while on Deca even with low serum levels. As far as the cycle support I’m not on their pay roles but I have had enough of that expensive crap to see positive results in my labs when on cycle and N2 versus on and not. Also my B/P remains normal my liver enzymes don’t climb and don’t have tight upper quadrant discomfort. The ingredients are pretty impressive. I don’t want to push any product brother. And don’t want to step on my dick and get tagged a loser so I’ll drop the N2. I’ve never posted on a forum and you are well versed IRT Steroids and bodybuilding in general. So if I’m wrong or not appropriate in my posts I apologize and will make this simple disclosure I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed and am just sharing my personal opinions and what has worked ifor me my experience. I am by no means thin skinned so please send rounds down range and blast me if you deem necessary NeutoRN As far as 19Nors I’ve done my share of Trenbolone in all esters and would never advocate for beginners —- understand your reply and dosage of Nandrolone shuts you down. I’ve used High dose Deca and experienced the harsh effects on my HPT anecdotal A. Sir I do believe the magic number with Nandrolone is 300 mg a week. If this were pure antidotal I would concede but my experience is this dosage my prolactin stays normal and my PCT (Hcg/Clomid/Nolva) was totally uneventful. Sir I do see the reasoning in simpler cycles and your logic.
One thing you should know is NO ONE will send true shots down range at you. We don’t do that here. We will question and express our own beliefs and opinions but we will always be respectful towards everyone that comes here.

Second, if you have experience with n2 then we’d all love to hear it in your own log! No one will deem you a loser for using one thing vs another. Especially if you have lab work to support!

Glad to have you here. You seem like you will fit right in. We have several guys approaching 60, and they are all active members here!

You’ve chosen the right board to engage in I promise. We’re all here to help and support each other! Which is why when you say something someone might not agree with we will say something, but always with respect. Happy to have you here buddy.
C. Hay, F.C.W. Wu
Encyclopedia of Hormones

IV.B 19-Nortestosterone​

[19-Nortestosterone(19-NT or nandrolone) is a long-acting ester with potent androgenic effects and a high [progestational activity] (10 times that of T) but it is not aromatized. 19-NT has been shown to suppress LH and FSH effectively with full maintenance of androgen-dependent functions. With the combination of both androgenic and progestational activity, the potential for 19-NT to provide as a single agent has been considered. Small trials with 19-NT alone or in combination with depot [medroxyprogesterone]acetate (DMPA, see below) have confirmed that [azoospermia) (despite low T levels).
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Much better information that’s true from Anabolics
Durabolin® (nandrolone phenylpropionate) Steroid Profiles
Durabolin® (nandrolone phenylpropionate) Androgenic 37 Anabolic 125 Chemical Names 19-norandrost-4-en-3-one-17beta-ol 17beta-hydroxy-estr-4-en-3-one Estrogenic Activity Low Progestational Activity Moderate Description Nandrolone phenylpropionate is an injectable form of the anabolic steroid nandrolone. The properties of this drug are strikingly similar to those of Deca-Durabolin®, which uses the slower acting drug nandrolone decanoate. The primary difference between these two pre…
munn1983 said:
19-Nortestosterone(19-NT or nandrolone) is a long-acting ester with potent androgenic effects and a high [progestational activity] (10 times that of T) but it is not aromatized
Its wrong brother its low activity but it definitely aromatase

See how it says nortestosterone the nor19 added doesn’t stop the production of estrogen
I already like it here. I’ve never been a member of a group. I’ll make my posts much shorter. I’ll intro the best I can —— my call sign is Popeye. I was a squid for 31 years—- USNavy. 58 years old. Been lifting since high school. First experience with gear was mid 1980s. Deca and of course high dose Dbol. No earthly idea what I was doing. Discontinued gear as I don’t think my head could grow any larger (fluid retention). Continued lifting. 4 years total Al Anbar Iraq. Several TBIs, injured back, neck, shoulders etc etc. lumbar sacral surgery/fusion cervical fusion, SLAP rotator cuff surgeries. Repaired but not in a good frame of mind. Still Active duty went to Doc asking for hormonal evaluation. Total T came back stupid low 290ish. Was told your fine suck it up. So I did an experiment with test cyp. 100 mg a week. I got my libido back and everything else fell in place. Started reading and learning. I’ve been blasting and cruising for 3 years. My diet is superb largely plant based Whole Foods but I do eat organic duck eggs, salmon and other fresh fish. When I cruise it’s strictly testosterone - calculate half life’s of steroids I blasted and allow complete clearance, I obtain labs and proceed with next blast. With diet my cholesterol runs in the 80s so when cycling and ldl goes up it’s not alarming. I do my cardio and my bp stays down although when using Nandrolone around week 8 my bp does spike. Very aware of my blood. Have a hematocrit monitor I use and if hemopoesis dictates - I donate blood. I check my prostate which sounds strange and it is but if enlarged I take note get a PSA and stop the causative steroid. Thus far only happened with Primo which is an absolute bummer because otherwise primo lives up to its name. I’m just a student in this sport but I love it. Thanks for the replies and I will make my posts much smaller. Popeye out