Second cycle opinions for a newbie

Also seen many forums post about n2 would like to see a log one day to gauge how effective it could be in my toolbox. Welcome to the forum. Glad to see the engagement in topics always good for conversation that help others.
@Ominous thanks!! I’ve been here a bit. Just read more than I post as everyone here has waaaay more to offer than I do. Which is great for someone learning like myself
If I was to go back a decade and do it all over again. This is what I would do. It might be a controversial opinion and I welcome different opinions.

I would do short cycles for a month a few times a year that’s about 4-6 weeks. I just feel like you can recover faster and keep more of your gains and the longer you stay on, the more sides you experience and more damage gear does to you body.

Your body is very resilient if you let I recover. I say this as someone who had acute kidney issues because I would stay on too long. Your organs and body can recover if you don’t keep fucking with them and let them recover.

I think long cycles like 12-14 were designed in a time for body builders and it hasn’t changed in a long time. I’m surprised short cycles aren’t more popular, probably because you won’t get huge on it. But I think you’ll be better off if you’re not competing.

This is what I do now. I’m now on TRT 200mg ew. And I do 5 week mini blasts about 3 times a year.
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No, just because I’m not TRT so it’s easier to just double my test cyp from 200 to 400mg and not have crazy fluctuations switching. I add an oral like tbol or winny. I personally prefer winny after trying both for this because it makes me strong as hell with good esthetics without a lot of mass.

I’m working a desk job in finance so I wear suits or business professional most days and it’s annoying my body comp changes dramatically as they don’t fit well since it’s all made to measure for me. I’m 6’2.5 so nothing off the rack even comes close for an tall athletic built.

That being said, I would say test prop would work equally well for someone not on TRT and they can just start PCT right away with a short half life from prop.

I’m comfortable with saying this here because people here are open minded. I know in some forum I would be ridiculed because you know, you must do 12 weeks min as we’ve been all told. This was what I believed but I’ve been running gear for just over a decade and really think it’s not necessary for those not competing. At least I think this is another way to approach it.
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I think if you’re on trt and only adding orals this def makes sense. But adding new long ester compounds I think this would hinder effectiveness. But hey man… I’m all about maximizing health and wellness AND muscle 😂😂

Man I just had to buy all new scrubs. Not as expensive as suits for sure but annoying none the less. I’m about to the point where I don’t know if adding more mass is cost effective in clothing 😂
I also don’t really want to draw any attention with size fluctuations at work. I don’t want to be known as that guy in the office. It’s a very cut throat job and I’m client facing so image is everything. I feel like some people can view you as a bit of a dumb meathead if you’re too big. It is what it is, I’m just trying to make as much money as I can and get out doing something else.
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I actually just ran into this for the first time at work. Started at a new hospital and got treated as a big dumb meat head by a NP. Had to quickly let her realize her assumptions were very wrong and had to flex the brain on her. Probably not the best move night two but here we are.

Keep it up brother. You’re healthy and happy with your progress. That’s literally the only things that matter.
That’s good info. I definitely think short blasts would work but that’s cause you have a constant base going all year long correct? Going from completely off to only on for 4 weeks isn’t gonna result much don’t you think? You do bring up a good point though as I was thinking of running a test only for like 16 weeks as some have mentioned. Now I question if that’s too long or is it fine cause it’s test only?
Itkis said:
Going from completely off to only on for 4 weeks isn’t gonna result much don’t you think?
IMO, you’ll get good gains if you use prop and an oral. You will be on the entire 4 weeks and you will start PCT the day or 2 after your last pin.

You’ll likely still have suppressive amounts of most compounds with long esters for another 2-3 weeks that youre stuck between being on and off. assuming you didn’t pin everyday for 12+ weeks. So this would impact recovery time of natural test.

It’s generally accepted that the shorter the time you suppress your natural test, the faster and easier it will be to come back in most cases. Long PCTs sucks.

Will you get huge on a short blast, no. But I would think it’s a more stable plan for the long run and you do less damage. And I like that I can run a cycle between shorter times of being off this way.

Again, this is entirely my theory and opinion.
Thinking about the Proviron approach…… some sponsors only have 20mg doses. So would 40mg a day be sufficient? Or should I try harder to find exactly what you are suggesting?