SB Labs

September 23rd edition of diets and bodybuilding

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Yeah 10 I wouldn’t take it.i need 200+mgs I ate 500 once or twice,I was whacked til the next day,I can fully function on whatever amount I take
Well at least I don’t have to deal with that. It’s beautiful out here
She took first prize right hand and second place left hand. @John @JLee @Poppy @Cluster @Dirtnasty Am so proud.



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Wifey convinced me to arm wrestle on drive in. I just did left cause my right shoulder no way. Being heavy weight I drew my first opponent a 350 pound youngster that took left overall. My second opponent was an old timer that has been pro for years and last year beat a guy ranked 18 in world in his prime. Got smoked both times. Rusty had his ass handed right to him twice. Then I was out. But it was still fun.
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