SB Labs

September 30th edition of diets and training

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good morning all.Breakfast was 5 HB eggs no yolk, cornbread muffin, banana, Pedialyte,coffee.My daughter’s double-header is cancelled due to rain this morning,but she still has her cheer/football game tonight.and she/her friend are coming over tomorrow afternoon.Cant work in the rain either,I’m totally fine being holed up in my apt all day, although I’m positive my dad is gonna call me later and ask if I wanna go grab a beer and food later.might say yes, probably say no.No gym.Today i am grateful for my family.Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Left over pizza and protein shake so far goig to try and move a little weight on squats as much as feel comfort table doing. I think im going to go to a brewery tonight just to get out and have a drink or two. I need to be in social setting in public
6 eggs scrambled and whole potato diced up and fried. Had Mountain Dew to drink. Had a Cookies and Creme Mass Gainer shake with 16 oz of whole milk, whole banana, and scoop of peanut butter. Lunch is 2 shredded chicken burritos and 2 cups of rice. Sweet tea to drink. Hitting Chest, Biceps, and Triceps today.
Scrambled eggs and potato for breakfast. Chicken and matcha tea for lunch. Had ducks and geese butchered today. This guy and his four kid butcher birds every Saturday. They did 90 chickens, 20 ducks and 10 geese today. In four hours. I was shocked. Per their prices they made $640 cash in four hours. Pretty good little gig.
I trained legs (5 giant sets of dumbbell squats, dead lifts, stiff legged dead lifts, and standing calf raises), and rode the stationary bike.
I’ve had 3 protein shakes. I’m going to have a burger and fries at a sports bar for a cheat meal here in awhile.
Good for you,Burger and Fries…are you going to be a man and eat your burger with the bun?
I actually had a burger for supper… pinched a pretty good part of the bun out… filled it up with slaw… Carolina burger minus the chili
Would of had chili but we didn’t have any and didn’t feel like running to store.
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