Should Flash still sell blends?

I’m not a fan of mixes. Everyone doses differently so I think it would be hard to make a mix that would sell well. Like @jackedup I also like to use long and short esters. I personally like to use a little enanthate to fill in when I’m using short esters. Maybe 50 enanthate to 100 prop or ace.
I agree @jackedup with what you said in some of your statements, and I’ve never even used it, I was making a statement as to how you came off to me, and thank you for those big explanations, I didn’t realize I asked a question.
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Coaches always put women on primobolan which is a terrible idea. It’s a DHT derivative. My ex’s voice deepened within 10 days from 50mg primobolan enanthate once a week. All the women at my old gym were using it and they all sounded like trannies. Anavar and turinabol are the only AAS women should use IMO, and at very low doses.
I put my girl on Ostarine. She ran it twice already. 2 months on at 25mg per day with 2 months off. She had absolutely no side effects other than looking amazing. I wouldn’t put her on primobolan or anavar. The ostarine is perfect for her.
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Yes im a nandro phenylprop fan. Wont use actual long ester deca. Im actually using flash’s rapid mass, nandro phenylprop and masteron enanthate right now. 1cc Rapid Mass, 1/2 cc NP and 1/2cc MastE every 3 days is my current cycle till Feb 15th. I like the Masteron with Nandro.
Keeps the libido up. No issues with deca dick which seems to be problem for lots of people who use nandro
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I personally never used blends. I’m sure they’re good for some trying to obtain a certain goal. I’d rather buy my compounds separate and mix them as I see fit. But that’s just me.