SB Labs

Site injections 101 let me know

Welcome swole25. I’m TBU. I think I might be the oldest fucker on this page or close to it. I’ve been doing this for a few years and still going. I don’t know everything but I do know what not to do. I started before there was all this internet shit and was all passed down bro science. Now, you have this outstanding web page and much knowledge here. Hell, I had to get Tren direction cuz I’ve never ran it. Anyways. PIP. Are you talking how to take care of it? Site injections prep or all of the above. Give us a run down of your use, age and experience so we can help. BTW I’m 56. Been in it for about 25 years or so. 😁
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Welcome to the board. Can you be more specific?? Are you looking for site enhancement advice or just in general site injection for pinning
Welcome to the boards man, like the rest of the guys. Please be a bit more specific so we could help answer your question
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Apologize guys for that! I’m 22 I been on dbol tabs and was on Stanton 250 injections just actually got off. So I was told there are some site injections I can take and I was wondering what is good for site injections like I’m trying to get my thigh to grow then my shoulders too
I would say before trying SEOs I would do a couple of cycles of different compounds and different dosages as well as fine tune your training program as well as your diet you can run all the gear under the sun but if your training and diet isn’t on point you won’t make gains. But if you are on point with those I would also say to try injecting your PEDS into your quads and delts a few hours PWO on injection days and train those muscles it will for some people anyway allow you to make a better connection and contraction in that muscle. But if your heart is set on SEO I’m not the person to give you advice on those products I’ve never used them so I won’t input on that part of it
It doesn’t work that way man. Sorry to say but you cant inject AAS into certain muscle groups and expect just that muscle to grow. Physiologically… that’s impossible. Now if you used synthol to inject into your muscles that would make them larger but it’s like a woman getting breast implants. Not literally but just making the comparison. If you want particular body parts to grow, you need to train them more often with greater volume and intensity. Example, I’ve been trying to build my legs so I work them 2 or 3 times a week compared to other body parts that respond more easily I work those maybe once a week.
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I’ll say it and be that guy. At 22 my man, you have probably the highest natural test levels in your body. Unless you have been diagnosed with low T. Those are peak time for natural gains you can keep till your say in your 50s. Pay for some training/diet/AAS advice. You’ll not only save money, but have great base and experience that will follow you the rest of your life. @PHD you could ask questions and he will give you some solid advice. And provides training. Or ask on here. Please don’t take this as me being a dick and trying to steer you away. I honestly can give you all the things not to do cuz I just didn’t have the right contacts. Anyways. Trying to help you save not only money, but save your gains!!! Hope we can help you achieve your goals!! Welcome to the merry go round… 😁
No man I gotcha both y’all! should I be hitting legs 2-3 times a week hit intensity. Rn I’m cutting I been doing like 30-60 min of cardio what’s should my workout look like I’m sitting at 210lb at 5,8
Legs 3 times a week. High and Heavy compounds on Monday, moderate with isolation specific on Thursday and moderate isolation specific on Saturday. What I mean by that is to focus say hams and calves on Thursday then Quads and Calves on Saturday.

Granted there’s a million ways to combine everything but this has helped me get over plateaus in the past as well as help me build even now.
There’s a whole intensity vs volume training thing. That’s dependent on a lot of things. Body type. Age. Diet. Recovery. A log book is the first step to gauge what is best for you. Some training while may make you think is good can be catabolic. Log EVERYTHING. What you eat. When you train. What you train. How you feel. And any AAS you are currently on. Diet effects mood. Mood effects training. Training effects growth. Plus if you decide to get advice from a trainer. You can tell them everything. Makes their job easier. Last thing. Tell your doc. Get blood work. Monitor your hormone levels. Live a long life. 😁
Hey man, I remember being 22… actually just a few years ago. I’m 26 now, don’t try to rush the process bro… trust me. Work hard, figure out what works for your body, and get a firm grasp on nutrition. If you can do those 3 things, the rest of it will fall into place soon enough. Also like mentioned above, a coach would be a very smart asset especially since you already jumped into the AAS world.
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The reason I mentioned injecting peds I’m lacking muscle groups wasn’t to make them grow because of the peds being injected there but when you do and injection and train that muscle the same day for some people but not all they notice better contractions and connection to the muscle and better pumps. But I agree with you that you can’t just inject a spot and expect it to grow I was suggesting that more to hopefully enhance his ability to effectively train his weak points before he went into an SEO protocol.
I’m tracking man. I know what you are saying as I’ve heard that before but I also believe a lot of stuff on the boards these days are anecdotal. There’s just no science behind it. Sure if something causes a little bit of damage to a muscle then you try to stretch or work that muscle you’re going to have greater sensitivity through a more neural response but the AAS has nothing to do with that. Punch yourself in the legs and give yourself a Charlie horse in each thigh before you train them and I’m willing to bet you get the same sensations.
There is really only one compound that has shown site injection working and that is Helios which is a combination of injectable clenbuterol and yhambine.
I actually though do like to inject in my thigh and then hit legs or even inj shoulders and then hit my shoulders.
The reason is because when you work the muscle that you just injected you get that blood flowing through that muscle and with the blood flowing I believe that it helps with any pip and just getting the blood and muscle to start absorbing the compound.

Your stats are good at 5’8 210lbs
Curious what compounds have you used or what are you using now?
What type of diet are you running?

Welcome to UGM brother hit me up anytime always here to help.
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