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SB Labs

So do you people use liver supplements

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No sorry didn’t read your question right. I don’t know but maybe not because it’s not passing through the liver?
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Hmm, could be a very heady question🤔 an oral presented in injectable form. It would probably be a good idea to take a supplement if the liver supplement is injected as well. Orals are more stressful on the liver. Those darn 17 alpha alkylated ones at least. Im glad the oral Anadrol is injectable now so I can stop injecting the vodka and Tylenol. This didn’t help anyone. I m just practicing typing again.
Start using the inj Glutathione and the other one that is called super lipo MIC these are both inj and they work my bloodwork after my last run showed everything in range. This is not what usually happens for me usually everything is high or low like the Tudca,Taurine didn’t do anything for awhile ive been believing that they were making things worse for me I found aminos and started using inj versions and it worked out well I only mentioned it because you said about taking more pills doesn’t make sense and I agree but I haven’t used it with an oral inj but I did use an oral and I believe it definitely helped. If your going to use something another subq vitamin inj would help better than taking all those horse pills. I hated all those pills smh
I take milk thistle every day on or off cycle. If you drink it’s good to clean out your liver. Any meds you take impact liver, it’s always good to keep it healthy. Just increase water intake that’s about it.
Personally, i suggest a liver pill regardless in cycle and a post cycle detox. Keep in mind- your most important organs are brain, liver, kidneys and heart.

So the short answer IMO is yes along side with taking a shot of glutathione to help push free radicals out of your system. Especially with hard hepatoxic compounds.
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