So you wanna get Jacked? Huge? YUUUGE?

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Staff member
Welcome. We’re here to help. This is mainly For New Members, Lurkers, Mouth Breathers, Chubby Friends in the back, and mainly for those wondering if they should take the leap in the world of steroids.

This is a nice long marathon for the rest of your life… but… just like a real marathon, there’s a lot of way to run it.

For most of my time here I’ve been the guys bludgeoning people over the head with my ultra conservative juicing thoughts. Full of on paper theory and science. Those philosophies have worked very well for me. BUT. those philosophies also matched my very personal goals.

Alas, I’m growing. I’m maturing. I’m widening my gaze. Opening my third eye. Or whatever the fuck you wanna call it. Here’s the reality. Shit doesn’t always translate from science to bodybuilding. Dr. Mike and the RP guys are large part of my success in my own personal physique… I’m also not trying to go pro. At anything. I’m already a professional ass-wiper, an award winning professional ass-wiper if you must know. In reality the RP folks have probably caused a lot of people who want to step on stage to come up short on their dreams because of their conservative minimal effective volume style training. Victor black, turns out read a lot of shit wrong and can’t comprehend the difference of science and the real world. Which is the ship I’m trying to right in my own small corner of the world here on this forum. Science says you don’t need a lot of AAS, but most need a lot more than I ever will. My friend @BBSQ5 likes to remind me of that. So I’m here. Saying… let’s get you jacked, if you wanna choose the big boy path, let’s talk about how to meet your goals in the real world and keep ya safe.

There’s many paths to getting jacked. There’s two that most people take.

One is conservative. It will take longer. It is less risk, and thus less on stage glory reward. It takes less ancillary supplements. It requires less juice. BUT TAKES THE SAME AMOUNT OF WORK, FOOD, AND DEDICATION.

the other path is aggressive. It’s heavier dosing. More meds to combat effects of heavier dosing. The risk is higher, but so is the muscle mass.

What’s actually important is that YOU know what YOUR goal is, and YOU choose your path with your fucking eyes open to reality. Read. Read. Read. Learn from everyone. Anyone. Read more.
use the magnifying glass. Search. We as mods and members wants to help you take either path as safely has possible. but a few things you must know to be true no matter what path you take:

-This is an expensive lifestyle. Not just the gear. Labs. Food. Gym memberships. Supplements. Etc etc. if you can’t do it right. Don’t do it.

-Steroids will change you. Some changes will be good. Some maybe not so good. It’s your job to manage those changes in your own life. You are your responsibility. No one else.

-You have to work. Hard.
-You have to eat. A lot. Then very little. Then a lot.
-People will not understand you.
-Most people will judge you. And dislike you for looking better than them.
  • This won’t get you more girls.
  • This will get you creepy only men staring at you in the gym, and “ i used to look like you when i was your age”
More to come on the two paths… I guess will make it a series or something.
Agreed… when I was a young stud… the creepy old guys would say something like that and I would say “no you didn’t”. Eventually I just let it go.

Fast fwd to now… I’m a uhhhh an “older gentleman”…an “older than I used to be stud”. I make every effort to compliment the younger folks. I get it, they’re trying to be the best them that they can be… exactly like I was. They don’t need some limping 60 something yo telling them how much better it used to be.

I work with a bunch of younger folks, some of which are meat heads. I never give out any unsolicited advice. They’ll ask if they have questions.
Son… leave it alone… figuring women out is the holy grail. You might as well delve into quantum physics or some sort space/time travel… it’ll be easier to figur out.
To get hot girls you just need confidence and carry yourself well. Make them laugh. They usually don’t like guys they have to worry about. They don’t want the competition of other girls looking at them. They want to be center of attention.
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