Some More Thoughts From An Old Man As It Relates To School Shootings

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Staff member
Considering the ongoing and recent school shootings…I have an observation on the subject (of course).

I’m very sure most of the people that have perpetuated such a heinous crime have displayed tendencies from a young age. By tendencies, I mean they were little aholes as young children, preteens and teens. I’ve seen it… no school shooters yet but little ahole kids that grow up to be big ahole criminals. I’ve also noticed that the parents of the kids are very defensive of their little darlings. I’ve got some of them in close proximity.

My argument to the parents…is your kids need to be euthanized or locked up somewhere (forever) so everyone doesn’t have to deal with them. I get back “those are MY kids and I love them”. My statement back is “yep those are your little darlings but that doesn’t negate the fact that they have no good reason to live”.

It’s hard to get an actual confession from the parents after something horrendous has happened. Very rarely will you hear…yeah little xxx was a troubled kid from a young age… he had problems socially, in school, at the dinner table…around the house etc.

There’s almost always early warning signs it’s whether the parents choose to objectively monitor their child or if they have the mindset of “oh that’s just how my little darling is haha”.

As some of you age, you’ll see it. An odd child of one of your friends that evolves into an adult monster.
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I’ve always thought pay per view torture of the individuals would be a great deterrent.

I’m talking ongoing keep the sob alive for weeks with an implement-of-the-day special…

Maybe the excruciating pain displayed on the televised broadcast will deter at least some of the would be darlings.

It’s apparent that what we’re doing now is 100% failure.
@NeuroRN That is a valid insight…we don’t show individuals on tv who choose to run on the pitch during sporting events for that very reason.

@Poppy Torture TV is also a piece of this equation which desensitizes us as a society via movies and video games. We need to hold and show Life as the precious fragile wonderment It is more often than not.

It is a shame these young male’s cries for attention to address their pain or un-wellness go unanswered culminating in a manifestation of pure evil.

We all need to do better identifying and treating mental issues. I see it even on this board, but I also see people rally and support with care, humanity, and understanding.
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My nephew was spanked he’s always I. Trouble spanking itself won’t do it. Parent need to be present in their childrens life
Torture tv (pay per view) would fund the doctors (to keep them alive) the actual torturers and everything else it takes to broadcast. What we’re doing now is exactly not working.

We have death penalties that don’t deter crime…sooooo it’s tooo humane… torture the sob… we need to cleanse the gene pool.

When parents take responsibility for their childrens behavior and not protect them or make excuses maybe that’ll slow some of this stuff. Heck… torture the parents in some cases too. That’ll raise some eyebrows.

Kids don’t need to be camped out on the computer gaming for…well…basically every last minute their not in school. Lazy bad parenting.

I’m of the mindset that if 90% of the population is caring respectful and paying it forward that leaves 10% nutjob predators to still make everyones life miserable.

Toxic masculinity goes out the window when the barbarians are at the gate.

I don’t fault anyone for wanting to council the ahole out of someone but if it fails then the councilor and ahole get tortured.
Aude_Aliquid_Dignu said:
It is a shame these young male’s cries for attention to address their pain or un-wellness go unanswered culminating in a manifestation of pure evil.
Perfect example to wipe out that person’s close genealogy like cutting out cancer…you always get the surrounding suspect tissue.
Down here there’s a saying. “That dog don’t hunt”. The hunters will often shoot the dog because it doesn’t display the hunting traits they’re supposed to. Lots of times they just give them away for family pets.

Humans make terrible pets…
Can’t do that cruel and unusual punishment. So the argument people use for anti gun control also would be the argument against this
Death Pentalties don’t work because most often they just sit in a cell until they die. Sometimes they’re even released. I know of a man out of North Carolina who got life. He done 4 years and escaped. After he was arrested again. After escaping. He was released after serving 6 years of a life sentence for good behavior. Just to turn around and murder again. He’s still sitting in jail on a life sentence now. Him still being alive helps to fund the government and other jobs associated with the system. There’s no profit in death. I myself feel like when someone is sentenced to death or life, their sentence should be executed the day after. No cameras. No stories. No details. No glory. Just terminate their life and be done. I understand the rage having the fear and worry having small one’s growing up in this world.
It cost kore to kill them than to keep them in prison and if we stream lines it a lot if innocent people would be executed and again that wouldn’t stop the mass shootings cause most either Jill themselves or get killed in the act
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I think it was cooler times when you could go to a lynching on the square. That would change most of these people’s minds being able to see the penalty
I got beat @PHD and it didn’t do me any good,I didn’t shoot anybody,but rebelled against every adult in my life,the military didn’t straighten me out,I never did drugs or went to jail UNTIL after the military,so what does that tell someone?
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