Some More Thoughts From An Old Man As It Relates To School Shootings

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How the people doing these mass shooting usualky shoot themselves or are killed by law enforcement rhey aren’t scared of death. They are likely people like me who actually want death but want others to feel their pain on the way out
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Yeah but if they were punished when thought of being a domestic terrorist or threatening nobody else would have to die w them. And why the hell do you wanna die
Your life sounds like one I could envy being a bachelor, free time for yourself. But hey everyone knows they’re own shit
I work nights 12 hour days I sleep when I’m off there is nothing to envy. I can get a random hook up here and there but I can’t get anybody to actually go on dates or be in relationship with me. It’s Saturday night and the onlh message I received the past two days is from Uber eats
Unfortunately for my uneducated ass there isn’t much out that pays a livable wage that I would have to be on night shift and most places do the 12 hours shifts now
Lol it’s funny we all focus on evidence based research and practices when it comes to PED’s and health… but when it comes to the spanking debate it’s all about what our parents did.

Which is how terrible shit has prevailed for generations and decades.

If anyone on UGM is raising children now I encourage them to actually look at the research done on spanking and the outcomes of every study showing it’s literally the least effective form of discipline, if it’s effective at all.

I was spanked. I abhor the practice. I vote for stoping the use of physical force and violence on weaker humans to teach them a lesson.
Good point @NeuroRN I will never hit my daughter, although if I had a son he might get some cuffs to the side of the head.
I found a pop to the rear as an attention getter in public is very effective. More embarrassing than anything else. Once or twice is all it usually takes to deter future outbursts. As they age and collect their treasures…taking them away for an amount of time works well also.

My oldest lost her coveted first driver’s license for a year.
I didn’t get my DL for 8 months as a punishment either. It’s tortuous for a 16 year old.
Yep… the magistrate put mine in his top desk drawer for 6 months before the lamination cooled off. Totally my fault.
My Texas HS employed swats, especially for football players. Misbehave? Down to the principal’s office for swats: Pull your pants down and expose your bare ass, grab your ankles, and prepare to be hit multiple times with a board with 1" diameter holes drilled in it. You couldn’t sit comfortably for a week after getting four or five swats. Fortunately, my grades were never a problem, so I only got swats for mouthing off or fighting.

Pedagogically, swats did nothing for me but reinforce the fact that a lot of fat old men have a gay BDSM perversion. I swear the principal got off on that shit. Fucker.

There is absolutely no pedagogical benefit or significance to inflicting pain on a child in response to bad behavior. The child needs to be raised so as to want to please the parent or authority and to feel bad themselves when they misbehave. Most kids know when they are misbehaving and ultimately feel bad about it or can very easily be made to feel bad about it by a parent drawing their attention to why their behavior was poor. To the extent a child repeatedly knowingly misbehaves, it is a cry for help, and that is what they need, not a fucking swat.

End of rant.
I have found with my five children that spanking is very effective when young. Now I am talking about my toddler starts chewing on an electrical cord and I wanna make sure he never does it again. A good seat to the hinder and he never does it again. But if your gonna do it make it count so it’s once and done. Hot stove rules…… as soon as they are old enough to understand loss of privilege then that is sooo much more effective then spanking. I remember as a kid I hated being grounded. I’d much rather have a spanking and be done with it. Grounding worked well for me. Taking away electronics works very well nowadays. Kids absolutely hate having their phone or video game priveledges revoked.
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