Some of the dumb shit I’ve done


Staff member
OK. I’ve done a lot of dumb shit. But as far as AAS, probably one of the dumbest was pinning a quad after leg day… that shit hurt for 6 days. I couldn’t even walk right the first 2 days…
I guinea pigged a new DHB (which had guaiacol
in it btw) for a guy by pinning a shit load all at once into the Tensor fascia. Ended up passing through the muscle into a lymph node. 104° fever for 3 days and needed to take off work because I couldn’t walk for the first few days at all and then still needed help around the house for another few days after that.

Now I’ve done some dumb ass shit but that one is at the top of the leader board for me.
Was the dhb high concentration or does it just have that bad of a bite? Also how many ml? Getting ready to try some dhb and had some?s about it
Just to clarify… that particular DHB I mentioned was from a guy named jaylito. He was getting stuff second hand from a different lab and slapping his own label on it. It had guaiacol because the brewer couldn’t figure out how to get it into solution at 100mg/ml. I also pinned like 3ml of it all at once which is typically a huge no no for DHB regardless of who you get it from lol. So 300mg in one pin of one of the worst compounds ever created for PIP. Not a smart idea. Gear Church makes a DHB that I consistently pinned 2ml at a time of with little to no PIP at all. Just mentioning that to give you a comparison
1-testosterone Or DHB is a testosterone dream come true. Not only a muscle builder but a fat burner. Think like Winstrol, but twice as powerful as Test. Now. I’ve never had luck with it, PIP was so bad I took painkillers. I really wanted it to work but my body hated it. I mean like limping for 5 days.
Oh. I forgot my favorite dumb shit I’ve done. I bought some SUPER TEST. Was 550mg per ml. Yep. That was the claim. That was a lump on my ass cheek that wouldn’t go away. Took almost 8 weeks before it finally disappeared. The only time I seriously thought about going to the emergency room. PIP? It was Insane. Fever. Bad. Now. With the onset of the internet, I discovered how much you can actually add to a carrier… 550mg per ml GTFOOH…