Some personal experiences with PEDs

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Staff member
I thought I’d put down a few things I’ve experienced on cycles. Some of it may apply to you. Some may not. But some may answer questions you may have thought about.
  1. A good cycle does not mean multiple compounds. You can get just as solid gains from Test only IF YOU ARE TRAINING AND EATING RIGHT. More does not mean better. To this day. My best cycle ever was 500mg of test only. Fresh receptors. Huge gains.
  2. Very few AAS (injectable) are immediately felt. Most traditional cycles you don’t “feel” it till usually 4-5 weeks. Now, some short esters are more quick to be used by the body, but even those it is a week or two of use before you can feel the product.
  3. You are changing your hormones. So spikes in Estrogen from a spike in test levels are normal. Crying, emotional and aggressive behavior are normal. Just because these happen doesn’t mean “Gyno” that’s a whole different subject.
  4. You will get pip. No matter how consistent you are we all have needle wiggle or not a steady delivery. Know your body and know the difference from poor technique and infection. I still get a little too fast and pay the price.
  5. Diet is key. I cannot stress this enough. Sure. You’ll get bigger on cycle eating like crap. But it will go as fast as it came. Trust me. Calories are important. But quality over quantities.
  6. You begin to feel sluggish. Walking. Stairs. Cardio will diminish. It’s part of the cycle. It will be to the point you may feel like shit for a few days.
  7. Test flu is a thing. You that 400mg per mil and inject 2 mls. You’re gonna get pip and test flu. There’s a reason why pharmacy grade is 200mg per ml.
  8. Blast and cruise. If you cruise. You will do it the rest of your life. Think about that. It will be for the rest of your days. When you cruise it needs to be cruise levels. Like 200mg a week max. This gives your body time to reset and receptors to recover. It is a thing.
  9. Time off. You got to give your body time off. For the bare minimum. Off cycle as long as on cycle. I.E. 16 weeks on 16 off. Me, I have been doing double that. 16 on 32 off. Close to one cycle a year now.
  10. Orals are not your friend. Very hard on the body. Some not as much, but orals should be kept to a minimum.
  11. Heavy cycles can cause major sexual issues. People jump on AI without looking at blood work. And crash things that hurt you even more. Thinking you have high estrogen cuz of what you read and dumping ADEX in you is no bueno. Blood work blood work. Blood work.
  12. Have a doctor you can tell EVERYTHING to. You coming in and not telling the truth will cost you more in the long run. If they balk at you and your lifestyle. Move on. Look up “performance physician”. Get someone who will tell you it’s “not good” but still will help
  13. When you come off cycle there will be 2-3 weeks where you start feeling normal. 😂 this is because your body will adjust to normal levels. Everything levels out.
  14. PCT. need to really research this on your own. What works for me may not be the best for you. If you decide TRT is your life PCT is pointless for the most part.
  15. Your plums will become dates. Your nuts are going to shrink. Period. Now, to maintain size, fullness and hang, HCG will do wonders. I did a bit of an experiment, and gained size and hang running HCG with my cycle.
  16. Lastly. Why are you doing it? Unless you are training for an event or competition, there is no reason to be on multiple compounds. If your goal is to be fit and look good, less is more. AAS is a great multiplier for you but remember. It will not make you into Thor or Arnold. Hard work and diet plus some good genes will. It’s not a miracle compound. It is a multiplier.
I hope some of this makes sense and helps anyone out. Remember. These are things that have affected me. Game experience may be different for you all.
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I agree. Excellent post. Alot of bad information out there and alot people just being sheep and doing stuff because there bro did it that way.
I’m definitely going to read this post a couple more times. Pip is injection site pain right? I definitely have soreness for about 3 days after on average. I think I’m doing everything correctly but I’m not 100% sure. What are common mistakes that lead to pain afterwards?
Honestly just YouTube it bro. No sense it’s trying to read about it lol. But I would say depending on what you’re pinning pip may be expected. If your just running test or something and getting pip every injection you may be doing something wrong
I always draw with one and hit with another. I actually have my wife do it so I’m not tensing up and my muscle is as soft as I can get it. She’s a trooper. I’ve watched the YouTube vids but I was just wondering if there was any lifestyle advice not found on YouTube
PIP (post injection pain) will be caused also by carrier or mg per ml.
Example. Grape seed oil. Hurts me every time. I know a couple here use it and I can tell immediately.

Over 300mg per ml is my threshold. I get pip on 300 pretty easily. It has to be perfect injection and still feel it for a couple days.

Cypionate vs Enanthate while one carbon molecule separates the 2, some say test E hurts more than test C or vice versa.

Experience in pinning. Also a huge factor. I still get it wrong and end up with pain for a week.

Hitting a vein and bleeding internal. Another lump and pain.

Warm oil. Heating pad. And Motrin is your friend.
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