SB Labs

Something funny going on

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I can understand the informed delivery being screwed up, what’s got me concerned is that the USPS website showed an arrival scan at my post
Office on Monday morning, with “out for delivery”, then by Tuesday the USPS website showed NO arrival scan at my post office and the package back in the original post office it was shipped from. My first package from Symbio did the same thing, shipped from UK to NY, then a few days later showed and arrival scan at my post office, the following day all that info was gone and the package was back in NY and 2 weeks later I got a nice letter from Big Brother… the re shipped package went to a different address, but failed to even make it out of the UK… it sat in the UK hub for 4 weeks before my 2nd awesome letter of seizure came…
@John, I’ll just fall back to TRT and never deviate from that again, but I’ll be sad, and worthless and probably have to quit working out… there is no point in lifting if you can’t lift heavy, and just going through the motions does absolutely nothing for me
My pump comes from PR’s. Training for me has always been almost animalistic, serving a purpose, I lifted to improve performance in sport, and I was always the ugliest morherfucker at my wife’s figure and BB competitions… I feel no sense of purpose from training like that, I wish I could.
I got it when I almost passed out hitting 585 for I felt better after than doing my last work but I enjoy it none the less
Ok, nothing funny any more, big brother is t watching me like I thought… we got a touchdown the other day… couldn’t have come at a better time
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