Made all of the improvements you needed. Arms look way bigger, Back, Chest is a lot fuller but still striated. I love Heavyweight for you. Ive been seeing the supers who look like a bunch of bodyparts, it seems like the last couple years guys are scared to come down to HVY. and the ones that do should of competed at like 230-235 in the supers, At 225 they look depleted. I like the grainy, Veins look. Your left hammy especially…If your 208-210 with this condition ,forget it. I know it not the healthiest thing and cant tie your shoes but in 2003 I ate everything , not the Trevor smith 10,000 Kcal, But I trained hard and ate for 8 months to get to as heavy as Ive ever been. (I have the embarrassing pics) but I was in the 280s and not that fat. Then I played softball and tore my Patellar tendon and PCL, LOL. I dont what I was thinking! but I swear the gains were amazing. That was with mostly Mexican and Ttokyo, Troy and lots of Polish omadren. With your program , 10lbs of muscle could be easy,LOL. awesome pics.