Yes that cycle is good, cycles are different for me after being on TRT. 400-500mg of test feels good, proviron is like masteron in pill form (that a shitty dumbed down comparison) they have similar effect. 400mg of masteron E is 2ml a week, and more powerful than 50mg of proviron a day, plus proviron (I believe, check me on it) is 17AA contrary to popular belief, and the 20ml of masteron is going to be cheaper than 150-200 proviron pills. I like beer so steer clear of orals, Dbol at 30 mg spread thoughout the day is good. Dbol is one of the best orals IMO. 20mg and up at one time makes me sick though, if I do run it again I’ll get blue hearts 3X a day.
If you wanted to add 200mg of deca and run it 12-14 weeks that wouldn’t be obscene. Likely no need for an AI on 200mg deca 400mg test 400mg Mast E. And masteron/proviron makes me horny all the time, its pretty fun good stuff.
Thats just my opinion, it all depends on what you can get your hands on I suppose.