Sponsor of the Month Contest July Sponsored by Flashlabs

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So we changed things around we kept the contest for New Topics please enter by posting that you are participating but we have changed the outlook were going to let the sponsors shine on there own I will only keep track of the New Topics.


Flashlabs will be taking over the thread they own it for the month lets see how much free stuff someone can give away 🤯🤯🤯 that’s right were now going to allow only the sponsor of the month to giveaway free stuff at will during the contest. Only active members can win so write an introduction and just get involved with Sponsor of the Month Flashlabs.

Don’t forget more to win with New Topics

@johnjuanb1 its all yours brother I look forward to hearing and seeing about http://www.flashgear.to/

come join the fun 🥳🥳🥳🥳😎😎😎

Thanks http://www.flashgear.to/ and thanks @johnjuanb1 you guys are great


New vote
Sponsor of the Month Contest July Sponsored by Flashlabs Sponsor - Flashlabs
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So are any of you guys thinking about trying a new cycle for summer? I’m about out of tbol,” and winstrol. I’m trying to grow while staying lean. My weight has gone up from 213Lbs to 217Lbs the last week. I said I’d never do tren or dbol again but I feel like going for it for a about 5 weeks. If I do then I’ll do 50mg dbol on my upperbody workouts an hour preworkout, and 25mg tren ace every 3 days. Higher doses of tren ace are beyond my limit these days. Believe it or not, 25mg will do wonders for my strength, staying lean, and the self confidence it gives me. I have no idea how 50mg dbol will treat me. I don’t want my blood pressure to go up but for 5 weeks I won’t sweat it. I’ll still stay on all of my testosterone esters and nandrolone esters. I’m currently on tren suspension which is perfect for me because it’s in and out quickly and I only use it in chest days. So tren ace will work.
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I started taking winstrol last week after pulsing anadrol but stopped after a few days because of upset stomach. Jumped back on the drol which I love. I might have a problem actually. Also with Tren I could run it year round I just feel amazing. Just gotta watch my carb intake before bed. Once I’m outta Tren I’m gonna switch it up though. I wanna try mast for sure
Rusty said:
First 10 weeks
Test Cyp(probably)
Last 6 weeks
Winny in there at end of lean enough
Cialis and proviron whole time.
That’s a nice plan brother

With the parabolan you will get peeled and the mast eq and winny are all going to dry you out just stay hydrated and enjoy the ride its going to give you 2 more for sure.
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I assume you mean the hydration part I believe that mast and winny dries you out then eq thickens the blood. 2 things that cause dehydration. I would just drink good amounts of water especially with winny and mast. Keep your joints wet.
I’ve been having a 7 whole egg and cheese omelette, a toasted bagel with peanut butter, and a couple red potatoes with butter as my usual dinner. I’m trying to grow but stay lean . Today I fasted 20 hours and trained arms fasted for an hour and a half. I like this routine. I also have a protein shake or two and a pound of fat free cottage cheese with avocado, fruit, and nuts after the gym.
4th of July Flash⚡️FREEBIE Time
The first two UGM members to go to www.flashgear.to and open a support ticket telling Flash you’re from UGM and you want FREE TBOL will get a bag of turinabol FREE.
Turinabol works amazingly on women and men. It contains almost no androgens when used in low doses. It’s one of my favorite orals!
The reason I started the fasting is because I felt horrible all the time. I thought I was dying for a long time. Then I finally went to get blood work done, and I had to fast for the blood work, I fasted 20 hours and for some reason noticed I felt great while fasted and had energy which I never had. That’s what got me into intermittent fasting. My blood work came back good which I couldn’t believe based on how bad I physically felt for what seemed like years. So when I saw that I realized I guess I’m not dying, and I want to feel better. That’s what prompted me to change my diet.
The first few weeks I lost a lot of water and looked shredded while still holding my body weight which was weird. But I tore my delt several times so I realized with only eating 4-6 hours a day I needed to add a lot of good fats to a avoid injury. I went most of my 34 years of bodybuilding consuming no dietary fat which is why I have injuries everywhere. I’ve always been obsessed with looking contest ready year round. Not smart at all. In my feeding window now I eat nuts, avocado, peanut butter, egg yolks, butter, lots of fats. I have small meals except for the final meal which is very large. I stay fasted and lift weights and some cardio at the 17 hour mark for fasting. It takes time to get used to lifting heavy weights while being fasted that long but eventually you adapt and it feels great.
Today is my 53rd birthday. It’s funny, I kept waking up last night thinking it was my 33rd birthday. Sometimes I think dementia is kicking in. 😀
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