Starting first cycle tomorrow and have a few questions


Well-known member
Tomorrow I will be starting my first cycle. I will be injecting twice a week in the deltoids on Monday and Thursday. Well, I wont be injecting, my girlfriend will be doing it since I can’t bring myself to do it. She will be starting school and doing nursing so I get to be her guinea pig and give her the much needed practice, it’s a win win for us both. Anyways, is rotating the deltoids enough rotation or should I be looking at doing it in the glutes or thighs as well? Does it matter what time in the day, before hitting the gym or after? Any tips or video tutorials you recommend?
I’ve only injected glutes. Never an issue and I do abut 4 injections a week. Looking into doing delts for my 1 ml injury though
Ok first you need to get used to needles.

How big are your delts? I have plenty of room to all three sections to rotate mine. Beginners may not.

What are you injecting? How much?
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Delts are a strong point for me. Ive always had large delts. When i was 16 this trainer at gym told me to work them daily. Always doing front and side laterals on off days. Grew like fucking weeds. I can do 3ccs in each head with no issues. Never have to touch quads or glutes usually unless wanting to. I get less tren sides from delts tho.
Do rear delts all the time and switch it up. Bent over rears, machine , cables. I have 60 kg bands i use at home all the time and double them up for rears when i cant do them at the gym. Focus on the smaller parts as they are the most in need.
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Oh I do them just started going heavy doing partials on bent rears and I think I see some growth haha
Same with calf. I bought a calf machine just for that. It was a weak point and i dont want weak points. my time. all the time. eat. rest. cycle.
I misunderstood you, I workout my rear delts twice a week, there not too bad, I just don’t pin them, I thought you were saying you pin rear delts and they would hold 3cc!
I can pin my rears and hold 3ccs. But i also work the fuck out of them. Dont fuck up your diet. Dont fuck up and slack your workout. work your rears.
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Well I’ll be out of deficit for first time in about 8 months let’s see what happens
God forbid you guys did what @PHD does for legs lol. ive “survived” it, but not the first time around. And its fucking amazing. He may not give the same workouts to everyone but theres a reason his legs are where they are at. Everyone has the ability with right mindset and right coaching. Its not easy and if it was everyone would have it.
Never done three I can do two all day I love the delts my go to spot I could do them everyday for short esters my ass check is next in line I do let my wife do it sometimes but I can do it myself too just wait till you inject and pull out and it squirts blood on the wall or all in the carpet or when you get a little tren in the system the old ticker bogs down for a sec what I’m saying is don’t be scared but also don’t be scared to get help either we all been there
At least it’s not 16 gauge from the feed store like back in the day