Starting first cycle tomorrow and have a few questions

I feel like delts are my first choice, then glutes. If I knick a vein with tren in glutes I feel it more then in delts. I cant do quads or calve injections. I tried once in calves and couldnt walk for shit. I dont know how everyone gets that spot.
I tried legs everywhere, dose, needle size suffered through the pain thinking Virgin muscle and nope fuck a leg my delts are king spot I can hit chest with 1 1/2 cc too
The older I get the more I want to pin less for sure. Im fine tho with shoulders and glutes. I dont think Ill need to really switch up anywhere else. I think its easier now with the higher dosages then we had and no blends back in the 90s
Quads and glutes are my top. Pinned in my calves once and thought I was never going to be able to walk again. I need to try other delt heads. It’s hard to over come how heavily they ingrained appropriate IM injection sites in nursing school.
I agree it used to be fill the barrel slap full. Now same amount is a cc it’s nice I like blends these days too and it seems that the high Mg stuff isn’t painful like it was just a few years back
I’m used to needles I just can’t look for some reason. Back in my teenage years I would get blood draws and had two episodes where if I looked at it happening I would faint or get the feeling to, so every time since then I never look out of fear of passing out. I can handle them just fine when I aint looking haha.

My delts are pretty small. I’m injecting 1ml 250mg TestE
those are fine you can probably go to 25 gauge to stick yourself with and get say 21 gauge to pull it out of the bottle But what you got is completely ok the more you do it the better you will get like with anything
Just got done with the first injection. It actually went a lot smoother than I had anticipated, I didn’t feel much at all. The only thing I am feeling now is a slight ache but I feel that is completely normal as I had felt that during routine vaccinations in the past. Do you guys aspirate? I have read conflicting things about aspiration and decided to have her not do it.
To aspirate is proper medical protocol but most prob don’t I mean honestly how many nurses do it when they give a shot ?? I have seen it but I never aspirate either I’m committed once I stick it in. If you aspirate correctly when you pull back and see blood you have to take it out get And another needle and redo nothing wrong if you do it or don’t personal preference
Oh yeah bud your going to get real intimate with the syringe. First couple times I get Shakey and sweaty lol now it’s nothing. I look forward to it hahaha do it like your throwing darts, quick and painless.