Starting first cycle tomorrow and have a few questions

Alright cool. Thanks bro for your help. I can get it in I got no choice. Those days I’m off all day anyways with nothing else to do but play Fortnite. It’ll take a few hours but fuck it.
Still having issue with getting past a number on bench boss? Where is your hard part the top bottom middle? Some things that help me past a point. pushups different styles after workout another thing to do but YOU MUST HAVE A GOOD SPOTTER also put something on you can it bench say you can do 225 put 275 on have him lift off and just hold the weight as long as you can it will help you mentally and get you used to the heavy feel the. When you put 235 on it will feel lite let me know where your hard part is we give some more for that
It’s at the bottom bro. Once the weight hits my chest line going up from there. I can get the weight up but my arms start shaking and what not and using every ounce of strength I can get. I do not have a spotter. Will be awhile before I can get one. Maybe that’s the issue but who knows. Don’t get me wrong I’m still gaining very slight strength gains every week just at a much slower rate then expected. It could be a number of things… lack of calories or maybe even stabilizer muscles. Idk but working on it. Eventually I’ll get there lol. I know it’s not a form issue though because I’ve done countless research on all my lifts/proper form. Could just the minor things I’ve mentioned. Hell even maybe a lack of sleep. I go to the gym sleepy usually after a shift at work where I only got 2 hours sleep in 30/40 hours plus lifted all night long. So it could be just the fact of going to the gym exhausted. 🤷‍♂️
Or could be the bloods. Still waiting on my results for end of week 6 labs. Taking forever to come in. 😂
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What works for me is doing flat bench dumbbell press, and stepping the weight up 5lbs each week.I’m not really going for insane #s. I’m really focusing on developing and targeting all the chest muscles. You really want to shock your muscles by constantly changing the routine. More reps less weight and focus on form.You just have to be patient brother we are sculptures and it takes a lot of practice and time to sculpt our bodies to the physique we are trying to achieve. Lifting heavy is overrated, when I was younger I was all about it but I’m more cautious because you hear about people tearing tendons and muscles, no thanks, not for an ego boost.
I got you. What do you think about decline barbell/dumbbell? I’ve seen it at the gym but haven’t messed around with it. I only try to lift heavy on my 3 compound lifts everything else is 8-12. 5 pounds is a lot a week. I try to add 2.5 and I’ll struggle with that haha. How often do you recommenced changing between flat bench press and dumbbell press? Every month or so?
I’d suggest watching Charles Glass on YouTube he was a phenomenal professional bodybuilder.

I would do it all, he and Arnold talk about constantly keeping your body guessing by shocking it. Our bodies get used to our routines and it’s our job to try and outsmart it. We can’t keep going to the gym and doing the same routine if we want growth. That’s why some people hit a plateau. Even just switching up days.
The most important thing is form and fatiguing the muscles, Glass doesn’t believe in the whole 1-2 minute rest he says it defeats our purposes of fatiguing the muscles,he suggests resting enough to get another set. I mean look at the guy he looks like he knows what he’s talking about.

But there’s a lot you can learn from these old school BBrs. That’s what I do is watch their videos and Mr Glass has a YouTube channel.
You got a lot to fight through for sure calories nrg and sleep will effect it for sure the bottom is worst spot so once you get it moving your good top end correct? Push ups push ups push ups all flavors after workout something else. Go a little lighter something you can do good form and slow down some not super slow say 1 2 3 on way down and up
Stop at bottom completely don’t relax just stop say 1 then press. Lastly do flat or slightly inclined like one or two notches not way up at heavy incline and do same as above with dumbbells and focus on stretch not weight then do same with dumbbell flys doesn’t have to be heavy don’t hurt yourself stretch and slow I would say bands on the bench but with out a spotter it’s a pain. If you do that for 6 weeks I bet you will plow through your sticking point
Yeah it’s all good though ima keep going forward because I enjoy going to the gym. The sleep I only get 2 hours on work days. Off days I get about 5 as I naturally wake up and can’t sleep anymore. Nothing I can do there but accept the fact my body functions on it and that’s all it needs apparently. Yea once it’s moving I’m good to go bro. As per advice from members here I have updated my routine. On the days I can’t go to the gym I’ve been doing push-ups /pull-ups/ and abs since I don’t work my abs in the gym. I also added dumbell press and decline press and on those I focus on form and stay around the 8-12 range. Went to the gym last night and busted out my new chest day. Was at the gym for 2 hours but damn it felt good, chest was on fire the entire time and it hurt just to do another excersize. I have a pretty solid routine now I believe I should be seeing some good stuff like this. I didn’t hit bench as they were all taken. I was forced to go right after work the other day so the gym was hella packed. I took dumbell flys out of my routine and turned it into cable/fly machine as my left shoulder has been giving me issues going down on that particular movement, but my left shoulder has always been like that. When I finish my workout I do some PT for my leg and throw in some rotator cuff exercises to try and fix it hopefully. We will see my man. I wish I started with this routine since week one but it’s all good trial and error. 🙂
That’s another good point you made there definitely changing your routine every 4-6 weeks is a good idea you don’t have to get crazy with weird movements just a change to shock muscles
2 hours and 5 hours isn’t a lot of sleep. Usually not enough to see the growth you want. Read up on sleep, and how to maximize it. Blackout curtains, temp, light, food, screens, etc. I’m guess part of the reason you’re not growing is you’re not sleeping enough.
I too only get 5 hours of sleep a night. Body naturally wakes me up after around 5 hours. Nothing I can do to increase sleep and don’t experience symptoms of sleep deprivation. Went to multiple doctors about it and they said I must be in the 1% and didn’t even refer me for a sleep study. And said I should be grateful that I get to live a longer life while everyone else requires more sleep.
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I said USUALLY not enough, while you may not be showing signs of sleep deprivation, this doesn’t mean you’re maximizing recovery. There’s a difference.

Hell, I don’t know you or your body like you do. It may do great! I was just saying that’s usually not enough.
Yeah I don’t know anyone who naturally gets less sleep than me. Going through basic training, field training exercises, etc., I was always awake before everyone. Can fall asleep just fine, just don’t stay asleep long.
NeuroRN said:
The aspiration technique stopped being taught in nursing schools about 6-7 years ago. Studies showed it did more harm than good.
What happens if you do happen to push gear straight into the bloodstream? On accident of course.