Starting first cycle tomorrow and have a few questions

I have been hooked on this for a while. And use egg whites to mix it with. It’s very good energy for the gym.

I’m sure it’s great, when I use to drink them on regular basis I was cracking a few eggs in them
Cycle is going good so far. Just some questions. Should I cut out cardio and just eat heavy lift heavy?

I’m 5”9 and I was around 165 when I started cycle now I’m 180 but I’m small or skinny fat whatever you wanna call it. Thin everywhere witha fat ass belly lol.
Right now just been eating clean/heavy/lifting heavy. But I do what I can as I’m on the road a lot. Still lift3/4x a week.

My goal is to get bigger more muscular but eventually get rid of the gut. Lol. I’m an ectomorph too if can’t tell by the stats.

In week 5 of test e cycle. First cycle ever

Basically my diet right now is 1 whole routissourie chicken I eat on throughout the day 1090 calories 166g protein some fruits and some nuts on my working days. Can’t take a hot lunch or big lunch on the road as it doesn’t fit in the truck. So that’s my diet 3x a week then on my days off I eat similar but I add in 60g protein drink and eggs in the morning. So it’s not much calories but being on the road and all that for work I can’t sit there and eat 5,000 plus calories a day like a full time job like some people can no offense 😂

I’ll post some pictures here when I get off work and show ya what I’m working with. Plan on doing another lab test next week too just to see where I’m at as my last Lab in week one showed my estrogen critically high.
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I think that’s good it’s not ideal but givin your situation it’s good bro. I think you want to stay in a deficit and stay away from sugars and starches, I’d stick with proteins.
Yeah man that’s what I figure. Giving my situation and just the way it is with work it will be forever close to impossible to go hardcore bulking. On my work days as well I sleep in the truck and only get about 2 hours so that’s a big hit as welll. So i don’t know. Thinking with my body type and work life maybe I should stick to just the lean look which I can only achieve with a deficit and cardio. I know it’s a bit early but any idea that could be useful for me per next cycle as in compounds?
It’s pretty trash but welcome to the world of a truck driver… and I’m considered local. I work 3 days a week just the routes are 30 hours long each lol
The only way for me to eat a crap ton of calories out of town I’d have no choice but to eat fast food and I’d rather just be skinny then get fat off that stuff
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Ya I understand that. I was working out of town all summer and trying to eat a lot of proteins. I did the best I could with eating healthy but was impossible all the time. Ended up eating lots fast food throwing away the buns getting rid of carbs but never thought about cholesterol. My body packs on the cholesterol when I am on a cycle. Ended up with LDL at 242 and HDL at 29. Definitely not worth it. Next cycle I am going low fat. High fish and skinless chicken. Don’t like my cholesterol numbers that high.
Lmao. That’s pretty hardcore throwing out the buns and shit but yeah I’m in the same struggle. I can eat clean on my first day of work then the next day it’s like okay I can either eat nothing and starve and buy crap from gas stations or go to like subway or something and attempt to not eat complete crap but yeah I get you. I do eat slot of skinless chicken and fish, always feel great having that in my diet as well. No idea about the Cholesterol levels but sounds bad. I’ve never monitored that.
Lately been doing jack in the box for their teriyaki bowl but that’s cuz it’s the only place next too my last stop. Or del taco but I don’t go there. I’ll keep that beef jerky and muscle milk in mind for gas station stops. All those pit stops at work really add up in $$ at the end of the month though it’s depressing.
Ya some gear can make your cholesterol get high. High test levels can on their own. Like real high. I knew that but never thought it would go that high after 13 weeks. But it also affects different people different way. Cholesterol is common from what I read. I may have to monitor it more closely during a cycle. Who knows I may only be able to do 8 week cycles. Next one I am gonna track it every couple weeks to see what it does.
Hmmm… It already costs 200$ for a T and E hormone check maybe I can get normal blood work done with my doctor for free… I’m assuming that checks Cholesterol levels yeah? Gonna go take another lab test next week which is week 6 to see if my Estrogen went down from the AI use. Am I allowed to post pictures in this thread?
Oh okay nice ima have to do that with my doctor then. Don’t wanna go to walk in lab and pay hundreds more. How often does your doctor do this for you? And does he know your on stuff?
Does not know. It’s the first time I checked honesty since two years ago before I was on gear. But now that it’s high I have excuses to go back
So these first two photos was when I was 17-19 eating 1200 calories a day and 100 grams of protein. Never cheated diet, but never entered a surplus and lifted the same exact weights till I was in my early twenties. Gave up lifting because I never got gains and went to mma did that for awhile then quit because am an adult now and have to work FT. just recently started getting back into lifting after 24 years old. I’m 26 now…so it’s been about 2 years now. Issue is I’ve gained lots of weight and have never been able to get it off. Maybe it’s because of my low t and high estrogen or just having no metabolism/cheating diet too much.

Weight 140


This photo is at 24 at 160 pounds

25 at 180

And this is now currently in week 5 cycle. Around 175-180ish

My goal is to get as lean as I was when I was a teenager but add mass to that frame and I’ll be happy. I’ve been suffering from this gay gut now for 2 years and it’s just uncomfortable. Can’t wear jeans any more and can’t even go in public without sucking in my stomach cuz it’s just pathetic to be so young and look like a bitch. So now I’m forced to wear sweat pants and joggers 24,7 with a xl shirt on instead of jeans with a M shirt on like normal 😂😂 so that’s my goals for this cycle which it’s looking dim currently since I was eating a lot trying to get stronger but it’s okay this one has been a good trial to see what my body can handle.
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Your biggest problem is gonna be the food for sure. Do you stay on the road or come home every day and leave again ? And do you come home on weekends ?
I’m home every other day. So for example I leave Sunday morning. I won’t be back home till Monday afternoon/evening. Then I leave Wednesday and won’t be home till Thursday afternoon/ evening. Then I have Friday and Saturday off back at it again Sunday. This is on a 2 route week. 3 route a week I’d leave Sunday morning be back home Monday morning and work Sunday/Tuesday/ Thursday. I’m not in my bed every night at home just every other night and weekends I sleep at home otherwise it’s at work getting 1-2 hours sleep. So for example on Sunday I can eat just fine but then I run out of food Monday on the road and have to stop somewhere to eat. Usually gas stations. Lol.