Stenbolone and dihydroboldenone

Hmm it’s possible. We’re technically on hold right now, not cancelled but not able to work.

We technically work for our agency. Not the hospital. So the agency and the hospital have to hash it out. If they can’t figure it out. There’s so high paying contracts out here in New Mexico and Utah.

If prices drop there always contracts down south that know us and there is a need.

Not worried about finding work, more so annoyed that I’m being possibly forced out on a backdated policy that they are now enforcing.
It really is! Like we just took a month off, so I’m fine not working for a month, but to be told you have to take a month of and then you can come back. OR you will be cancelled. We haven’t decided yet. That makes me mad.
So sorry to hear about your troubles. But if you have to move and have never checked out New Mexico, I highly recommend it. Albuquerque is very cool, great restaurants and vibe with UofM there, good music, and, of course, it’s Breaking Bad town, so that’s cool. But some of the small localities are in absolutely gorgeous areas (like Star Wars in the background when the sun sets and the moon is already rising!) and are a lot of fun. I often think about retiring to one of those small towns, getting out of the rat race. In any event, good luck with everything.
That’s number one on our list actually! We have some family in souther New Mexico, and the contract prices are good out there. I’m glad to hear other people say it’s a good spot.

We had a long convo with our agency yesterday and they are livid. Apparently the facility skirted quite a few protocols about notifying 3 rd parties etc. they may just be using this to get rid of some
Of the higher paid travel nurses.

We’re in our rental until end of nov for sure. So we’re just gonna hang out and enjoy the mountains for a bit and plan the next move!
Coming in 231 today. Will take pics post workout.

Upper body today.

Still going slow with the elbow and sticking to machines.

The Stenbolone DHB combo plus the covid vaccine has m feeling lean.

Back and leg strength is up, I’m trying not to fall trap to the cycle strength gain. Yesterday i hit 655 x15 on leg press.

Wish my elbow wouldn’t have fucked up, could have had some Arnold titties on this cycle.
Compact states so far. Most states still offering emergency licenses right now. You can pretty much go anyway for sure until January and not have to worry too much about a license. They will probably have to continue after January as covid numbers continue to rise. The whole state of CO is about to declare crisis nursing rates.
Before @Poppy brings the hammer on me. I’m sorry for kinda sucking with this log. Getting back on track promise.

Since we’re gonna be off for a couple weeks I’ll be switching to a 6 day split again. Thank goodness.


Wide grip pull down x 4
Narrow grips 4
Single arm row x 4
Low row x 3
Face pull x 5
Curls variation x 4
Curls variation x3

Stairclimber 15 min.