Strange decrease in strength

I’m with TBU on this, if you’re trying to build strength, eat for strength. Just to Maintain where I’m at right now strength wise I take in 36-3800
Calories a day. If I ever get back to where I’m prepping for a meet again, I’ll up it to somewhere between 4500-5000, strength does not grow on starvation.
Enjoy the decrease in strength… As others said… Could be a number of things… Eat more??? Sleep more??? Could just be plateauing out… So enjoy the lighter loads for a week or so… Really rep it out and get that mind to muscle connection for a week and then after that go back heavy… Just a suggestion but like everybody else said it could be a number of things…
I have a confession to make since my bulk ended I haven’t tracked any food. I just eat right now but if I had to guess I’m dozing closer to 6000 again 6 meals a day with too many snack thrown in but it’s basically maintaining my 280isj frame
What is your stats? How much does you on What are your macros? It does matter can’t figure out what is going on if you don’t know. Also do you pre, post workout? It helps a lot. Are you carb cycling? You may be insulin resistant . Are you planning on bloods a 5-6 weeks. If your cutting fat gonna get weaker as you run out of carbs till you refeed
When my wife was still doing figure, I had to kind of mind my p’s and q’s with the eating, which sucked, I would sneak candy bars with the girls when they were younger, and they would tell on dad as fast as they could! It’s a little easier now that her doing figure is pretty much over, and even more so that she wants to try a powerlifting meet, but she still eats very strict and I have to tell her all the time she can’t eat like that and build strength like she wants
I hear ya! I don’t remember the last time i had either of those… got them both in the house. I see them every day.
Hahaha I do pretty good.

I have an unopened bottle of wild turkey rare breed on my closet shelf i look at every day.

I just might take a nip out of it on my bday… wifey is planning a party and it is way out of hand. The guest list is over a hundred folks.