SB Labs

Sub Q administration? I may give it a try

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My buddy that’s an ER doc does his test sub Q
I have since going down to .3ml Mwf. I mean it didn’t seem to make sense to go deep with that little amount
It’s really strange how some people some people can go subq and never have any issues. Personally I have no idea why that would be but for me I was only injecting .3ml every 2 days and still had issues.
I do Subq everyday and have never had a problem. I either go VG or delt. Of course I am only pinning a small amount everyday. 15 units on an insulin pin.
Lets just say I am not the smallest lad when it comes to body fat. With that said I am still new to this. I could be hitting muscle but I doubt it. The needle is only 1/2”. Now that I think about though it probably is hitting the muscle. I have tried several areas when I first started. The stomach and thigh always left a little irritation and would stay red for a day or two. I found the delt and vg left no mark and zero irritation. So maybe I am actually doing IM with that little needle. I will say this. The needle is so small you cant even feel it. The only issue is drawing up the test. It takes about a minute to draw up 20 units. I dont mind though. I find it therapudic in a weird sort of way…… Does that mean I am weird???
You won’t be berated here. That’s what we’re here for. To help each other out.

Me personally I pinch below belly button from side to side. Glutathione goes in trouble free. I’ve tried cyp but like most it leaves a pretty good size welt and is irritating for a couple of days. I don’t need anymore irritation in my life hahaha.

Just keep doing what you’re doing if it’s working. Nothing wrong with experimenting just always be on the conservative cautious side when wavering from your norm.
I have a question when you use a slin pin isn’t it hard to push through or take forever? I use a 27g 5/8 on my delt shots and it’s drastically different to push the plunger then the 25g I use for my glutes what size slin pin do you use?
Takes me 20 seconds to push .3ml through a 29guage. It’s not to bad and to me it’s worth avoiding the scar tissue.

It takes about a minute to draw out of the vial.
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Yeah I’m really
Considering giving it a try? Do you draw with the same pin tho? I might be wrong but when I was using slins for drugs then ends aren’t removable so you have to draw with the 29 still then?
Yes I draw and inject with the same 29 gauge. I draw in air in the clean needle to inject in the vial to displace the fluid I’m drawing out. Like I say it takes rough 60secs when the oil is at room temp.
I just recently started using a 20g to draw the oil with life changing I must say except for when you forget to switch it out and pin a 20g in the delt fucker I was sore for 2 days lol
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